Free Wood Building Projects Online

There’s a great site online that offers free wood building projects for those that enjoy building small to large projects at home. Usually these types of building plans can cost $20 or more, just for the plans, so being able to find them free online is great. And the owner of the site is so fabulous that there’s a standing offer to contact him if you need any help with any project.

Working with wood is a favorite pastime for many Americans. Not only do building projects give you a boost of self confidence, they also save you a bunch of money over purchasing the item already manufactured. At Runner Duck Resources, they understand that, and offer all their building plans free of charge.

The free landscape projects at Runner Duck include instructions for building a water wheel, doing ground landscaping projects, and even making a bio-pond filter. You’ll get step-by-step instructions that include pictures and supplies lists.

If you love wood projects and gardening too, check out their page full of gardening projects like raised flower beds, a garden chair or stool, a trellis, flower cart, yard tool carrier, or a weed eater stand. There are dozens and dozens of free projects just waiting on you to discover them.

More interested in home decor projects? At Runner Duck you’ll find free project instructions for making a door knocker, a book rack, a toy sled, a shoe shine planter, chair rockers, a stool, a picnic caddy and so much more. When possible, they’ll give you a list of cheaper, alternative materials that can be used on certain projects.

At Runner Duck you’ll find many very unique projects, too. Make an extension cord holder, a saw blade holder, a plywood carrier, a table saw sled, a miter saw stand or a drill press table. These instructions would cost you plenty at anther site, but here, they’re free.

You’ll even find project instructions for great kitchen additions. Make a bread slicing guide, a napkin holder, a condiment picnic table, a paper towel holder, a recipe box, and even a dehydrator. The project plans are worded where they’re very easy to understand, and the accompanying pictures make it even easier to follow along.

With the free project ideas at Runner Duck you’ll even be able to make toys for the kids and grand kids. They’ve got some fabulous free projects that will make any kid happy with the end result, and you’ll be proud that you’ve made it yourself.

If you enjoy woodworking, and want to make some interesting projects, don’t purchase project plans – get them free online.

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