Free or Cheap Packing Supplies for Moving

Free or Cheap Packing Supplies for Moving: BOXES
Don’t pay for boxes. If you’re resourceful, you can find plenty of free boxes that are just as sturdy as anything you’d buy at packing supplies store. If you were to buy just five “large boxes” and five “medium boxes” from the U-Haul store, you’d already be paying almost $25. Instead, check with local stores to see if they’ll give you spare boxes. I’ve done this every time I’ve moved, and I always get what I need. Grocery stores and liquor stores are two of the best places to check, just because they go through tons of boxes and the boxes are generally sturdy. You can also try appliance stores (after all, they’re called “big box” retailers for a reason). Not every store will give away free boxes, but many will. If you’re out running errands anyway, why not ask? While you’re at it, check with friends who work in office settings, as copy paper boxes and file boxes typically have handles – delightful for easy moving.
Free or Cheap Packing Supplies for Moving: FILLERS
Don’t buy bubble wrap or packing peanuts, even for delicate items. As much fun as these two fillers can be, here are plenty of things you already have lying around your half-packed apartment/house that you can use instead:
– Newspapers are an old cheap standby, except that the ink can rub off. As an alternative, consider waddled magazine pages. Cosmopolitan has to be good for something, right?
– T-shirts and sweatshirts are soft and gentle, ideal for neatly packing dishes, glasses, and other delicates without wasting space.
– Towels and washcloths work for delicates as well.
– Other fluffy things (small pillows, stuffed animals, etc.) can be used to fill in the crevices of moving boxes, prevent shifting, etc.
And of course, before even procuring boxes, make sure you fully pack everything you already own that can hold belongings. It may seem obvious to most of us, but I’ve had friends who’ve filled cardboard box after cardboard box with stuff – only to tote around empty hampers and suitcases on moving day. Talk about inefficiency!
Free or Cheap Packing Supplies for Moving: TAPE
Packing tape can sometimes be expensive, especially if you buy it at an office store, U-Haul shop, or UPS store. Although there’s definitely a quality difference that corresponds with price, you can usually grab a couple rolls of feasible tape from a dollar store for $2. As long as you’re not mailing anything, most cheap packing tape is adequate.
Free of Cheap Packing Supplies for Moving: Final Thoughts
By following these basic tips and cutting some corners, you might be able to save $30 or more on even a small move. While that’s not big bucks, it’s certainly enough for post-move movies, some drinks, or maybe a tank of gas. Happy moving!