
Self governing finally bequeath in ’62,
with a humble gracious bow.
Adverse hardships ensued & they were bled deep-
deep down to their earth & soil.
Occasional incumbents hostage to its worth,
though only moments of blissful paradise to outsiders that grace its shores.
Some choosing salvation from government domination & electing to live morality.
Inferno aims a slenderized form of life.
Their higher power blessing the gifts from earth & the manner of their memoir.
Opting to be free mortals & grievous of restrain.
Yet, no matter their fortuity, beautiful merciful smiles displayed, bestowing that simple, all too often forgotten, yet paramount gift.
They soulfully believe & preach, with truth & love on lips “Out of Many, One people”.
A union to all the land, but lost by many state of affairs & strained conditions.
Faith is what holds their dreams for that once sought after mission. True Freedom.

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