Freeload Press Offers College Textbooks for Avid Learners

If you thought corporate sponsorship was reserved for sports events and public-relations activities, think again. College textbooks may prove to be a worthwhile funding source for a variety of investors and sponsors, who are offering their advertising dollars for a fresh proposition. Freeload Press distributes and maintains a catalog of textbooks available for downloading, and its strategy for funding relies solely on its commercial sponsors.

‘Freeloading’ often has some negative connotations, but not in the domain of Freeload Press. The company promotes the concept of ‘Liberating the Textbook’, and is focused on providing increased educational opportunities and avenues for research. This is significant for those who may not be able to afford the usual costs associated with their college education or dreams of lifelong learning.

With the rise of college costs and frequent tuition hikes across the country, textbooks are often in demand and also steadily increasing in costs. As teachers and professors continue to require ‘newest-edition-only’ copies of textbooks, it can take a significant toll on college expense budgets and may even result in withdrawal from a particular course simply because of the cost factor. Freeload Press hopes to overcome this obstacle for education, by offering the freshest and newest versions of textbook completely free. Users simply download the copy of the book they need, with an option to purchase the book at a reduced cost, often 60% off, if they choose to do so.

This is a remarkable venture for today’s college textbook industry. Freeload Press launched in 2004, and according to the company website, the Freeload model is ‘A collaboration of academics, authors, publishers, and media executives’ who developed the idea. Commercial sponsors range from companies such as Culver’s,, and Each sponsor is purchasing direct ad space and placement within the pages of the book, essentially spots where a student may take a natural ‘study break.’ Media buys offer sponsors placement in over 100 publications, including study aids. Recruitment efforts for these commercial/corporate sponsors are based on companies who also promote and encourage learning, education, and growth opportunities for students. Controversial products and ads are not approved within the Freeload Press network.

Users who are interested in finding their copy of the much-needed textbook can simply use the site’s easy-to-download system. One button on the website can take care of everything: select ‘Freeload my Book!’ in a quick and simple step. Users of Freeload Press may include teachers, students, and life-long learners where book lists of current books are always available, and the completion of a simple profile page is all it takes to download the book.

Students today can gratefully keep costs down with a service such as Freeload Press. Freeload Press solicits premium advertisers, and has created an enviable business model to offer a valuable product for its users. With the increase in commercial and corporate sponsorships for many of today’s media-related activities, textbooks are an exciting new opportunity that can benefit many eager and hardworking college students and learners obtain the education they need.

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