Front Load Washing Machines Verses Top Load Washing Machines

Buying a washing machine can be overwhelming and there are so many options to consider when buying a washing machine. One of the first choices that you must make when purchasing a new washing machine is to determine whether you want to purchase a front load or top load washing machine. Both the front load and top load washing machines have their advantages and disadvantages so here are a few things that you might want to keep in mind when making this decision.


Front load machines are generally much higher in price than top load washing machines; however the advantage to a front load washing machine is that they offer lower energy and water costs when being run. So at first glance it may appear that the front load washing machine may be the most economical choice in the long run but that may not be true. What you need to look at is how much it will actually cost you to run the washing machines, and depending on where you live the energy savings costs may be less than ten cents a load. With energy savings being that minimal and the cost of a front load washing machine being much more than that of the top load washing machine it will take many years for the energy cost savings to make up for the difference in cost for the front load washing machine. So do the math and determine your energy costs, the top load washing machine that costs less up front and has higher energy costs may still be the better buy over the more expensive front load washing machine that offers lower energy costs.

Weak in the Knees

If you have back or knee problems then bending over can be an issue for you and that is something to keep in mind when choosing a front load washing machine or a top load washing machine. If bending down to load and unload the front load washing machine is too much for you than you might want to stick with the top load washing machine. You can buy risers to rise the front load washing machine but even the extra height may not help.

Soaking Clothes

I have little kids who get dirty, really dirty, and I love to soak their clothes before running them through a full cycle on the washing machine. Front loads do not allow this to happen, so if you are someone who makes a habit out of pre-soaking clothes than you might want to stick with a top loading washing machine.


One thing to keep in mind when looking at washing machines is your space. Front load washing machines offer the ability to stack the washer and dryer to give you more space; this is something that top loads cannot offer. Another thing to keep in mind with front load washing machines is that most manufacturers suggest keeping the washing machine door open in between washes to allow the gasket to dry out completely; if the gasket does not dry out quickly it could end up moldy, which in turn can cause your laundry to come out smelling moldy.

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