

Something in the air exposed your sinister side
as twin high-watt beams sliced through the heavy fog
much in the tradition that words shred decency.
Murky ink pressed against the sedan’s windows;
we stared outward with curious eyes.
“Do you understand what happens after dark?”
“I never claimed to.”
All the while, the black closed in until
the last splatters of twilight were uncerimoniously
choked from existence. Nature’s extinction was clever:
sky so perfectly undisturbed that we began to wonder
if it had ever been light at all.
Steam rises from the hood; we’re helpless bystanders.
“You know, I’ve got a bit of a secret to tell you…”
I divulge and no one’s laughing.
My left brain speeds home down six frozen lanes;
My right brain captures my body; I melt against your chest.
No – not sexual – not electric;
I’m more concerned with Maslow’s thermal needs.
My left brain says, “Care to escape the flurries?”
My right brain says, “Absolve me.”

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