Frost King Felt Weatherseal for Sealing Out Drafts!

Our energy rater listed a few areas that we can focus on to improve our homes energy efficiency, and I will be writing reviews on the materials we have been using to winterize our home. Many people can benefit from doing a few simple things to their existing windows and doors, and this review will focus on a product called Frost King Felt Weatherseal.
This Frost King product is meant for all seasons, both winter and summer. When applied properly to doors and windows, it can keep the hot and cold weather out, making the home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Packaged in a plastic bag, this felt comes in a roll, containing 17 feet of a light gray colored felt measuring 5/8″ wide and 3/16″ thick. The kit does not include any nails or tacks, just the 17 foot roll of felt.
How To Apply
The installation instructions are clearly printed on the back of the bag, and also included are pictures showing exactly where to place the felt strips around your doors and windows. After unwinding the felt, you simply tack, nail or staple the felt to the window or door frames, pulling it taught and tacking it every four inches.
For windows, you can affix it to the frame above the upper window, to the sill below the lower window, across the lock rail, and on the sides by applying to the frame with felt pressed against the window.
For doors, this felt should be applied to the doorstop moulding, across the top and down the latch side. On the hinge side, apply to the door frame next to the moulding.
Although this is a felt product, it is extremely strong and durable, and will mold to corners easily. I used my Stanley Staple Gun to tack the felt in place, and this worked well for me, and made the job very easy and quick. Our energy rater did not feel that it was cost effective for us to replace the windows in our home, but rather recommended that we remove the trim and spray in foam urethane insulation, as well as applying other types of insulation around our doors and windows, such as this Frost King Felt Weatherseal.
Our front and garage doors were replaced a few years ago, but they still did not seal completely tight. When the door was closed, you could see light from the outside shining through some cracks toward the bottom of the door. After tacking this felt weather stripping in place, the door sealed much tighter, and we can no longer see the light – AND we can’t feel the drafty cold air coming through those spaces like before!
There are very few tools needed to apply these felt strips. The bag states that the tools needed are a hammer, a measuring tape, and a utility knife. We did the job using a scissors and our staple gun. The felt cuts extremely easy with scissors, and the job is super easy to accomplish with few having few tools available to you. If you want a wider strip of felt around your door frames (as we did), you can easily tack a second strip right next to the first one, and it still looks very neat and clean. Frost King also makes this product in a 1 1/4″ width, but we could not find it. I think that stores are quickly running out of these popular items due to the rebate program through our state.
Of all the product we purchased to make our home more energy efficient, one of the easiest is the Frost King Felt Weatherseal. I highly recommend it, and it sells for less than $2 a bag. It’s a great, easy way to improve your home during the winter or summer months, and it will seal up those drafts!
Frost King products are made by Thermwell Products Co., Inc. and can be found at Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart, and other such stores.