Frozen Summertime Treats for Kids

Monkey Shines
These tasty, frozen summertime treats aren’t for monkeys. These yummy frozen treats are for very lucky kids. Instead of giving your kids chocolate-covered ice cream treats, give them chocolate and candy or fruit covered frozen bananas. Simply cut a banana in half, carefully skewer it with a recycled treat stick, and dip the banana in melted chocolate. Coat chocolate-covered bananas with chopped nuts, candy sprinkles, coconut, raisins, or bits of dried fruit. Place them on waxed paper in the freezer, and after they’re completely frozen, get ready for monkey shines. Even kids who don’t normally eat bananas and dried fruit will love these frozen goodies.
Fast and Easy Pudding Pops
If your kids love store-bought pudding cups, they’re sure to love these frozen summertime treats. Pudding cups come in a wide variety of flavors and colors, and you can make frozen pudding pops that are sure to please your kids as well as their friends. Simply take ordinary store-bought pudding cups and turn them into something extraordinary by piercing the tops with wooden popsicle sticks. Place the pudding cups in the freezer, and after they are frozen, rip away the paper lids, and pop them out of the plastic containers. These frozen treats are fast and easy to make, and they are sure to become a favorite summertime treat in your household.
Fast and Easy Yogurt Pops
Do you have trouble getting your kids to eat yogurt? Some kids like yogurt while others do not, but frozen yogurt is simply irresistible. Get your kids to eat a healthful serving of yogurt by offering them the following frozen summertime treats. Push wooden popsicle sticks through the tops of various types of yogurt, and place them in the freezer. After the yogurt is fully frozen, peel away the tops, and pop the frozen treats out of their containers. Even if your kids don’t usually eat yogurt, they will more than likely enjoy this refreshingly healthy summertime treat.
Fruit Juicy Pops
These fruity pops are unlike store-bought fruit pops because these frozen summertime treats contain real chunks of delicious fruit, and best of all, they cost considerably less. Cut up chunks of your kid’s favorite fruit, and skewer the chunks with recycled popsicle sticks. Place the sticks in the center of paper cups filled with fruit juice, and cover them with plastic wrap. Place the fruit filled cups in the freezer until they are completely frozen. This fancy summertime treat is tasty, refreshing, and most of all, healthy.