Frugal Family Fun That Allows You to Save Money

How many times have you went out for an evening with your family, only to feel terrible at the amount of money it cost? The average family might spend $100 or more on a night out, just for a movie, to eat, and the gas to get there and back.

There is another way. You are not alone in wanting to have fun, yet not be broke before the week is up.

I want to let you in on a secret…..having fun does not have to cost a lot of money, if any money. You and your whole family can have fun, and you can go home and actually sleep at night, being comfortable knowing you did not spend you life savings in one night at the movies and the local diner!

You can treat yourself and your family to a host of entertaining events for under $20. You can find less expensive ways to do things and save money, too.

To make it a frugal trip when you go somewhere, take your own drinks and snacks in a cooler of ice. Leave the credit cards extra money at home, and you won’t be tempted to use them on your frugal day out.

Do you like to fish? Grab that cooler and go to the lake! A container of fresh worms won’t run into that $20, and you get some nice healthy fresh air in the process. Plus if you are a good fisher, you have supper for free! While fishing, you can also go for a nice free swim and cool yourself from all that fun fishing.

Take your kids to the city park! There’s loads of entertainment and more fresh air. Pack up that cooler again and make it a picnic for the day. If you went fishing, there’s a place to grill those fish for a yummy meal! Again, you won’t go over that $20.

If you like to read, take a trip to the local library and read to your hearts content. You still have the $20, though you might not want to take the cooler of snacks and drinks here! Start a reading circle and share books with friends and family.

If you want to see a movie that is playing at the theater, but don’t want to pay that ridiculous price, wait until the movie comes out on video or DVD and rent it! You will save lots of dollars this way and still get to view the movie! For those that just have to see the movie now rather than wait, check for special price showings and you can still save some.

Yard sales and thrift stores are wonderful ways to have fun and save money at the same time. Some people really enjoy browsing these sales. You never know what you will find. People have actually found very expensive items for pennies, because the owner did not know the value of the items they were selling!

Museums and zoos are also great places to visit with the children, and very educational. You generally have to pay a small price to get into these. If you pack your own drinks and snacks, you can still have a frugal day. I do not recommend taking the fish you caught at the lake here!

If you live near the ocean, take a trip to the beach! Pack up that sun screen to be safe, and plenty of drinks and food. Don’t forget that you do have to come back home!

If you want to walk for exercise but are not into the heat, check out your local mall! A lot of people today walk the malls just for exercise. Beware of the food court though, because you might find it difficult to walk and be carrying that cooler of drinks and snacks! Yes, this is one place that you will be spending that $20 most likely, but you can eat comfy knowing you did not expend all of your energy walking outside in the heat.

I am sure you have noticed by now that the common factor is the cooler of drinks and snacks. Just not buying drinks and a meal for you or your family on a day out can save a lot of money. The money saved here will add up and can be used for something else you want to do.

There are many other ways to have fun on a shoestring. There are countless other events that can be done without costing you tons of money to do.

If you put the money you have saved by being frugal into a jar, you will begin to see some serious savings soon. Give yourself a month of saving this way, and see the difference it will make. Then take the money you have saved, and go treat everyone to some ice cream….homemade of course (it’s more frugal)!

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