Fun Drinking Games

Asshole is a very fun drinking game. This game is pretty popular the rules are simple. The first hand is used to determine everyone’s rank during the following hands. Deal out all the cards. The person to the left of the dealer starts off. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. When starting the game you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value. They must also use the same amount of cards as you did. If you lay down two 9’s then they would have to lay down two of something equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also if you can’t play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips or a two is played.
Play continues like this until all the cards have been played. After the first hand is when the fun really begins. There is a ranking system which is as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Asshole. Whoever goes out first becomes the new President for the next game. The second person becomes the Vice-President, etc. For the following rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you to drink whenever they want to.
There are special rules which are The Asshole must always deal and clear the cards. Also the Asshole must give the two best cards in their hand to the President. The President gives the two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole. If the President remains President for three consecutive rounds they can create special rules, such as the word “drink” cannot be used. If these rules are broken then the offender must drink.
Quarters is a very fun drinking game. It involves skill, luck, dexterity, and of course some alcohol. All you need is a quarter and a cup and you are ready to go.
The rules are simple. Quarters can be played with any number of players. Play is best with 3-6 players. Competitors sit around a table, hard wood works best but you might need to experiment. To decide who will go first, spin the quarter. When it stops, it will be pointing at the person that starts. I use Lincoln’s nose or the Eagle’s beak. Once established, the game begins. The shooter tries to bounce a quarter off the table and into a glass. If the quarter goes into the glass, the shooter chooses a person at the table to consume. The amount or size of the drink is your choice.
This should be decided before the game starts. The shooter’s turn is over when he/she does not make the quarter in the cup. Play then precedes the next shooter. To make things more exciting, rules are developed by the shooters only after making three 3 quarters into the glass in a row. If any rules made are broken, the guilty party must consume the drink.
Uno Consume
If you like Uno then you will love this game. An added bonus is that you get to drink as well. And that is probably better than the fact that you get to play Uno.
The rules for this game are simply play UNO with these additional drinking stipulations: If you pass 1 drink. If you draw a card take 1 drink. If you are skipped take 1 drink. If you are reversed to you must take 1 drink. If you forget to say UNO 1 drinks per all opponents cards. If you UNO give drinks for value of last card (Wild = 11, Wild Draw 4 = 12, “Face” = 10). When someone UNO’s each number card is 1 drink, a “Face” card is 2, Wild 3 and Wild Draw Four is 4.
Spin the Quarter is another great, simple drinking game. All you need is a quarter or any other type coin and mass quantities of alcohol. And some other people would be good too. Wouldn’t want to drink alone now would we?
The rules for this drinking game are very simple to follow. You flip a coin and the person next to you has to guess whether it is heads or tails. If they guess it right then they flip it for the next person. If they get it wrong then you spin the coin on the table and they have to drink for the time that the coin spins. You smack it down on the table and then ask those heads or tails. If they guess wrong spin it again and again and again till they get it right. Sounds fun doesn’t it.
I NeverâÂ?¦ is a drinking game used to get to know people. This game is a good way to find out stuff about your friends that you have always wondered about. This game is one of my favorites. The game starts by someone saying I have never… The person says something that they supposedly have never done. It is more fun if you try to be creative. If you have done what the person says that they have never done then you must drink. You could be surprised at what some people have done. If ever someone doesn’t drink for something that someone else knows that they have done then they must finish their drink.
Have fun with these games but be safe and responsible and don’t be surprised if you end up extremely drunk and then hung over the next day.