Fun Internet Name Generators

Internet name generators are a great way to get a quick giggle online. There are internet name generators that can tell you what your title would be if you were anything from a fierce Viking to a meek Hobbit. The way that these instant joke tools work is quite simple. Internet name generators ask you for input and then, based on your answers to a quiz, or even on an arbitrary fact like the number of letters or percentage of vowels in your real name, feed you back a hilariously appropriate, or inappropriate, new nickname. Whenever you need a fast blast of humor, try one of these internet name generators. For even more fun, send the link to your favorite internet name generators around and get your friends in on the act. That way you can all compare your new handles!

History’s Fiercest: Vikings and Pirates

Larger-than-life historical figures like Vikings and Pirates are perfectly suited to fun internet name generators. Imagine what it would be like to live a wild life on the high seas with one of these fun nickname creators.
Larger-than-life historical figures like Vikings and Pirates are perfectly suited to fun internet name generators. Imagine what it would be like to live a wild life on the high seas with one of these fun nickname creators.

The Quarter, which is put together by historical recreation enthusiasts, offers this fun quiz to determine your Viking Nickname. Internet name generators are the most fun when they really reflect your input, and this one definitely does. It not only gives you a fresh new Viking Nickname, it also gives you a quick summary of your Viking Personality, which makes it one of the most elaborate internet name generators. Sample Names: Ingibj�¶rg Wussypants, Ingunn Shieldpuncher. Check out this fun example of interactivity used well online at

The humor website Stupid Stuff has a Pirate Name tool that really isn’t very stupid at all. Pirates is one of the most popular themes for internet name generators, and the one at Stupid Stuff is the cream of the crop. The names are just plausible enough to be hilarious. Sample names: Calico Jack McGurk, Bloodstain Bartholemew, Captain Blade McSlain. Get yours online at

Sci-Fi Movies: Your Hobbit or Jedi Name

Many of the most popular internet name generators are centered around giving users a place in a fantasy or sci-fi universe. Internet name generators like the Hobbit and Jedi name generators are a great way for fans to poke gentle fun at the formulas that make up fantastical names for entertainment franchises like Lord of The Rings and Star Wars.

The Hobbit name generator, created by Chris Weatherall, is lighthearted and charming, which makes it one of the best internet name generators to share with friends. Sample names: Esmerelda Millstone of Bywater, Hob Bolger of Newbury. You can find this one online at

The Jedi name generator is one of the best of its type, because it mixes the arbitrary fun of internet name generators with the classic absurdist humor of Mad Libs. Sample names: Cohry Wesag of the planet Xanax, Jamne Blnew of the planet Claritin. Check it out online at

Make Your Own!

The humor website Rum And Monkey offers any visitor the opportunity to create totally original internet name generators without having to learn coding or programming skills! This great tool is available after you register (for free) with the site. You can use this internet name generator creation tool to create internet name generators about anything under the sun, so let your imagination run wild, and give something back to the online humor community. Check it out at

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