Fun and Easy Travel Brochure Crafts

Travel brochures and visitor guides have gorgeous photos on the front, of wonderful places like Niagara Falls, The Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, or even the Eiffel Tower. The photos are usually glossy and free of banners and logos, making them perfect for many different crafts.

If you’ve been to the destination represented in the brochure, a nice craft is a shadowbox with the brochure as the background. Set up miniatures, rocks, a small mirror representing a pond, or other trinkets to complete the scene. You can also arrange flat items, like the brochure, event ticket stubs, menus from the area, and postcards, on a flat board like a cork board. These are nice for displaying mementos of your trip quickly and you can purchase glass to affix to the frame, to enclose the arrangement.

Use two or three different brochures, from the same area, to make a wall display. It’s okay if the name of the town or country can be seen on the brochure – particularly if you’ve actually visited the area. Collect brochures from all foreign visits, place them in matching frames, and do an entire wall collage.

Cut just a portion of the brochure out to make a key chain. Find one image on the front of the brochure, like a pyramid or other landmark, and slide it into a craft key chain. The craft key chains are clear, thick plastic and they’re easy to make since you simply slide in the picture. Some are made where you can slide two pictures in, back to back, to see a different image on each side.

Cut photos out of brochures and use them to decorate other objects. For example, cut a picture of Italy out and use decoupage glue to affix it to a dinner plate. This is a cute way to decorate your kitchen while bragging on your travels. Use the decoupage to attach pictures to vases, cabinet doors, drawer fronts, or even your kitchen trash can.

Cut a 3″ wide strip from a brochure to make a beautiful bookmark. Laminate the bookmark to protect the photo. Use a 5″x5″ square, with the main image on it, to laminate and use as a coaster. Open the entire brochure, laminate, and use for place mats for a table.

Align just the fronts of brochures from different countries across an end table or coffee table and lay a piece of glass on top. This can be done to night stands, dresser tops, or just a corner of your desk.

If you have curtains instead of closet doors, or you simply want to spruce up your shower curtain, the brochures can help. Cut the images from the front, arrange them on the curtain, then use clear plastic to sew over the top of them. You can do something similar with hot glue to attach brochures, covered in plastic, to briefcases, luggage, coolers, and other items.

Brochure crafts are great because the brochures are normally free, they’re easy to work with, and display fabulous pictures. The next time you see a travel brochure consider a brochure craft just for the fun of it.

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