Fun with Dick and Jane: A Comedy Starring Jim Carrey

The film is about Dick, played by Jim Carrey. Dick works for a company as an ordinary worker who loves his job and has a wife, Jane. The story line continues when Dick is promoted, or so he thinks to the position of Vice President of Communications. When he is interviewed on a stock report, he in asked questions that he does not know the answers. When his interview is over, he comes back to his company which is shredding documents and about to crash. Dick finds out that his company CEO has been selling the stocks of his company so that he could make a huge profit and let his workers go bankrupt. Dick is left with no pension and no money to support himself.
For the next couple of months, he is unable to find a job and he slowly digs into his savings. Soon he and his wife Jane, played by Tea Leoni, have to sell their car and possessions until they are left with nothing. Being broke and having a young child to deal with, Dick decides to become a robber and stea money from stores.
At first he uses his little boy’s toy squirt gun and robs a store of a drink. It is a really funny scene because Jim Carrey is running for his life from this huge 6′ guy who is really tall and muscular. They also steal from several other stores and get creative by using masks and costumes when robbing places as disguises.
Another funny scene involves Dick about to rob a bank. Just as he is about to do so, one of his former coworkers and his wife rob a bank with real guns and are arrested by police. When this happens, Dick walks outside calmly and escapes.
Finally, Dick meets up with his former boss named Frank who tells him how to trick the CEO into giving them money. They attempt to switch his bank acounts so that the money goes into their bank account instead. However the CEO discovers their plan and tells his accountant to switch the accounts.
The movie reaches its climax when the CEO discovers to his shock and dismay that $100 million has gone from his account into a fund set up for the former employers of his company. This was done by Dick and Jane who give the CEO note cards to read off of and embarrass himself. Dick gets the money and pension back and his family gets back thier old possessions and house.
I enjoyed the plot of Dick and Jane and there were some good laughs. If you are a big Jim Carrey fan I encourage you to watch this film.