Funny Bible Verses About Husbands

The Bible has some good advice for husbands while creating a smile on the faces of wives if the following verses are observed. Perhaps a married couple should sit down together and discover how these verses may create a bit of humor and be practical guidance for a better marriage. The first two verses listed here are from The Living Bible Paraphrased and the third one from the King James Version.
Don’t Be Harsh or Bitter
“Husbands must be loving and kind to your wives and not bitter against them, nor harsh” is what Colossians 3:19 says. A wise wife might want to jot down this verse and bring it up next time her husband misbehaves himself with her.
Men will probably find a better life for themselves if they follow this verse. Most families know for real the saying that “If Mama ain’t happy, nobody is happy” can be true. Husbands avoiding bitterness and harshness could go a long way to create happiness in the family.
Give Wives Their Rights
“The man should give his wife all that is her right as a married woman, and the wife should do the same for her husband” is stated in 1 Corinthians 7:3. This Living Bible translation might create a lively discussion among married couples about rights in a marriage.
Click here on 1 Corinthians 7:3 for 46 translations of this verse that have wording differences. In a good marriage a couple might want to look at these different translations and figure out how a husband can give wives their rights. Negotiations may be required for a husband to do the right thing required by this verse.
Cleave and Be One Flesh
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh” is what Genesis 2:24 says in the King James Version. Some wives might use this verse as a weapon against a husband who depends on their parents for support.
A minister once told me that the term “getting attached” became popular as another way of saying getting married because of this verse. The one flesh part of this verse could also mean a married couple should be so close that they can not be separated.
Husbands should read funny Bible verses and learn from them. The Bible might just be a great resource for this. Many instruction books can be boring. The Bible can be an instruction book to create lively discussions for a better life.
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