Funny Halloween Costume Ideas

These funny Halloween costume ideas will help you, and everyone around you, have a happy and hilarious holiday. One common problem with funny Halloween costumes is that they’re just too complicated, and people have to ask embarrassing questions like “what are you supposed to be?” As we all know, a joke explained is a joke that isn’t funny, so keep it simple with these easy to understand and rib-tickling funny Halloween costume ideas. The best funny Halloween costume ideas are those that are simple, and easy to understand with a single glance. This is great news for anyone who wants to make their own costume, because it means that the best funny Halloween costume ideas only require one or two simple elements. In this guide to funny Halloween costume ideas, you’ll learn how to make an easy and funny outfit at the last minute, one that’s a bit more elaborate, and even one for a babe in arms, so read on!

Pillow Fight!
Some funny Halloween costume ideas are perfect for throwing something together at the last minute. The pillow fight is ideal if you need a costume in just a few minutes and don’t have time to go shopping. All you need is your favorite pair of pajamas, an old, worn-out feather pillow, a pillowcase, some safety pins, clear packing tape, and a bit of makeup. You will need to completely destroy the pillow, but this funny Halloween costume idea is well worth the sacrifice. Throw on your pajamas, then rip open the top of the pillow. Grab a bunch of feathers, and attach them to your pajamas with the tape. Once you’re pretty well covered in feathers, pin the battered pillow to your shirt. Now, get out your makeup kit and draw on a nasty black eye. Congratulations, you’re a pillow fight! This is one of the best funny Halloween costume ideas for a group to do- if you can get your whole family in on the act, you’ll make quite a splash as a huge pillow fight! To complete the effect, carry a pillowcase as your purse, and have the kids carry pillowcases as their trick or treat bags.

Floor Of A Movie Theater!
If you’re willing to put a bit of time and effort into realizing funny Halloween costume ideas, you might want to try this fun new costume that’s destined to become a classic: go as the floor of a movie theater. Start out wearing an all-black outfit, and then safety pin or hot glue a bunch of empty candy boxes, ticket stubs, empty cups, bent straws, etc. onto your clothes. To take it a step farther, draw or paint a few footprints onto your clothes, or you can even get a friend to go as an usher with a pillbox style cap, nametag, and flashlight. This is one of the most versatile funny Halloween costume ideas. For a youngster, it can be a black sweatsuit with tons of “trash” glued all over it. For an adult, just wear a black t-shirt, black slacks, and safety pin a single ticket stub onto your shirt.

If you’ve got a very young child who is still small enough to be carried in your arms, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to try out one of the simplest funny Halloween costume ideas. Wrap your baby up in a warm and snuggly onesie or bunting to protect his or her delicate skin, then wrap a layer or two of tinfoil loosely around your baby’s body over the clothes. Presto! You’ve got an adorable baked potato. Not only will it crack up everyone you meet, but this is one of the funny Halloween costume ideas that truly gets better with age. The pictures in your scrapbook will have you all laughing for years to come. Of course, this costume can also go jumbo size for an older kid or an adventurous adult!

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