Funny Things Famous People Would Do If They Were the Last People Alive
Adam: Well there’s nothing to stop him eating all the apples he wants now.
Bill Gates: It doesn’t matter to him he’s already got everything in the world.
Dennis the Menace: Shoot peas at the corpses
Doctor Who: Just goes back in time to when there was people.
Homer Simspson: Break into a doughnut factory and spend the rest of his life in there.
Jeremy Clarkson: Pray that there’s enough petrol left for the rest of his life.
Neil Armstrong: ‘It’s one small step for man and one giant leap for ….. oh whatever im
the only man left!’
Noah: Well at least he’s got his animals.
Peter Kay: spend all day on ‘tinternet.
Richard Hammond: Fill a deesert with caravans and destroy them with a nuke.
Shaun of the dead: Think there might be a possibility it was
the zombies that are now breaking into his house
Scooby Doo: Set out to find out who got rid of all the people that get distracted by food.
Steven Hawking: Just carry on studying…..
Tony Blair: Wair his flowery swimming trunks around everywere.
Wallace: Fly to the moon and eat the cheese.
So that would probably be there reactions but lets hope that this does not happen because I
don’t think I’d want any of these people being the last person alive!