Fur-Covered Accessories You Can Make in a Snap

Remove the lid from a cardboard box and arrange fake grass and trees, mini people, a Christmas scene or other minis on the inside of the lid, using the lid for the ground or floor. Cut a hole from one side of the box. The hole shouldn’t be huge, but should allow a nice glimpse of what’s inside. Glue a piece of clear glass over the opening, from the inside, or use a piece of clear plastic instead. Set the box over the lid and cover the box with fur. Give to a child who will stare in wonderment at the little scene when he peers through the hole.
Cover a square pot with fur and turn it upside down for a unique and fuzzy plant holder. Cover plastic bowls, turn them upside down, and use them to hold plants, too. Use a larger fur-covered pot to hold a small lamp. Use wicker baskets to do something similar. Cover small plastic cups to hold disposable razors, fur-covered vases to hold curling iron and combs.
You can even make dollhouse furniture by covering things with fur. Cover the lid from a spice jar with fur and you’ve got a cute foot stool for the dollhouse. Cut two rectangles of styrofoam and fasten them together with toothpicks dipped in glue. Cover with fur for a cute couch for Barbie dolls. Glue two instant coffee lids together, cover in fur, and it becomes a large circular bench that holds several dolls.
You can find fur on a roll at a place that sells fabrics, and the furs come in colors of solid black, brown or white, and prints of zebra, tiger and more. They can be cut and used, with no sewing, or you can stitch and/or glue the fur to other things.
Cover large cardboard boxes in fur, inside and out, and you have cubby holes that can hold video game sets and games. Stack the cubbies in a girl’s room for an attractive stand that can hold mirror, photos, clothing, dolls, and many other items.
Make pencil holders, utensil holders, and holders for other items by fur-covering coffee cans, juice cans, plastic canisters, soda cans or bottles, plastic containers of all shapes and sizes, and other disposables.
You can even cut fur shapes to make magnetic creations, like fridge picture frames. Cut a large flower shape from fur, then cut a circle out of the center. Place a piece of clear plastic in the opening and line the back of the fur with magnetic strip. These can be made in any shape or size.
Fake fur isn’t really cheap – about five to eight bucks a yard – but a little goes a long way. Try some of these fur crafts for yourself, or with your kids. They make great gifts and home decor for your own house.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design