Fuzzi Bunz Cloth Diapers

Being aware that disposable diapers cause problems with the environment and that cloth diapers are better for baby than petroleum filled ‘sposies’ I decided to cloth diaper my babies at least part time. Not wanting to spend a lot of time or money on this endeavor, I looked for the most practical and efficient diaper that was easy to use. Fuzzi Bunz diapers fit the bill exactly.

Before finding Fuzzi Bunz diapers I tried to use inexpensive cloth prefold diapers and plastic diaper covers. What a mess that was! Though both my mother and mother-in-law were glad to show me how to use them, I just couldn’t make it work for me. There were leaks and messes and tons of laundry. I had to find a better way. I began searching the internet for cloth diaper tips and found many other moms who sang the praises of Fuzzi Bunz diapers. I decided to give them a try.

Fuzzi Bunz are what is called a pocket diaper. They have an outer cover made of waterproof material which is attached to an inner lining of fleece. The top back of the diaper is left unsewn and works as a pocket. Absorbent items such as microfiber cloths, Joey Bunz inserts, prefold diapers and even dish towels can be stuffed into the pocket to create just the right amount of absorbency.

Fuzzi Bunz diapers use snaps as fasteners. There are several snaps on each diaper to create an adjustable fit that allows the diaper grow with the child. No need to worry about torn tabs here! Also, if a snap falls off or breaks within a year of purchase, the whole diaper will be replaced.

Fuzzi Bunz diapers come in great colors! So far there are twenty-two beautiful, vibrant colors of Fuzzi Bunz diapers. Some wholesale websites even offer different prints on the Fuzzi Bunz that they sell.

The average cost of a single, white Fuzzi Bunz diaper is around $15.00. Most Fuzzi Bunz wholesalers offer diaper packages that allow for a bit of savings. The website from which I purchased my Fuzzi Bunz diapers offers them at just under the average price. Larger sizes cost more than smaller size and colored Fuzzi Bunz are a bit more expensive than plain white Fuzzi Bunz.

When I first began using Fuzzi Bunz diapers they had a few colors to choose from. I choose six of the plain white Fuzzi Bunz diapers and six of the Joey Bunz inserts to get started. When the Fuzzi Bunz arrived in the mail I was excited to get started using them. I carefully follow the instructions included with my diapers and washed them to ensure maximum absorbency on the first use. After the Fuzzi Bunz were washed and dried I tried them on my son. I was very pleased with the results.

My son was comfortable in the fleece lining and there was no hint of diaper rash when using Fuzzi Bunz. We experienced absolutely no leaks during the day. Overnight, the diaper leaked, but because of the ability to adjust the absorbency based on my needs, the next night was fine and the Fuzzi Bunz did not leak. The fit of Fuzzi Bunz was snug enough to prevent leaks yet flexible enough to keep my son comfortable. The sizing chart available online was perfect for helping me to find the correct size for my child.

I was concerned about the bulk of cloth diapers and how they would fit under pants and shorts. Fuzzi Bunz, with their adjustable absorbency fit great beneath my child’s clothing with a simple, highly absorbent insert in place.

Caring for Fuzzi Bunz diapers was a breeze. The care instructions come with the Fuzzi Bunz and give tips on how to keep Fuzzi Bunz clean and in great condition. Diaper soil rolls easily off the microfleece lining and into the toilet for quick disposal. Fuzzi Bunz diaper quickly air dry after washing and are ready for use again.

I definitely recommend Fuzzi Bunz diapers as an easy to use, comfortable cloth diaper that looks great. I bought Fuzzi Bunz diapers for the first about four years ago and they have made their way through three children and still work great. My experience with Fuzzi Bunz diapers has been nothing but positive.

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