Gardening Supplies in the Mansfield, MA Area

Where can you buy gardening supplies in the Mansfield, MA area? Just like a good chef can’t cook without the right spoon, or so I’m told, good gardeners need the right gardening supplies if they’re going to have the optimal garden. In the Mansfield, MA. there are plenty of great gardening supply stores ranging from big chains to smaller stores. Comparing and contrasting supply prices at these stores in places like Mansfield, Foxboro, and North Attleboro can help you find the best deals.

Home Depot
(309 West St, Mansfield, 337-2050)

Everyone knows the average Home Depot has more than enough gardening supplies for a small country. They’ve perfected the format of one-stop shopping. This holds true for this store located in Mansfield. The store’s Garden Center should be able to provide for whatever it is you and your garden need this spring from seeds to riding mowers.

(1360 S. Washington St, North Attleboro, 508-643-1044)

Lowe’s reminds me of Gene Hackman, because he used to do the voiceover on the ads. Which is weird. A guy wins an Oscar, you figure, why’s he going to do voice overs for a garden/home improvement store? But anyhow, this Lowe’s is located just few towns away from Mansfield and should, like Home Depot, be able to supply the need gardener with whatever’s on the list.

Aubuchon Foxboro
(2 Cocasset St, Foxboro, 508-543-2212)
Aubuchon’s is a chain, but it’s much more like the neighborhood hardware/garden supply store than the bigger chains like Home Depot of Lowes. Located right in Foxboro center, Aubuchon’s sells the normal slate of gardening supplies including shovels, hoes, rakes, smaller gardening implements, fertilizer, planters, and seeds.

Patrick Lyon’s Greenhouse
(303 Central St, Foxboro, 508-543-4113)
Located right over the Mansfield-Foxboro line, Lyon’s greenhouse is a great source of flowers for transplant. Along with hanging potted flowers, large and small potted flowers, and small multi-plant boxes Lyon’s also offers an array of shrubs and potted trees. Plants and hours vary by season.

Taylor Rental
(379 Central St., 508-543-4441)

Located right near Lyon’s, Taylor Rental rents equipment to people who want to invest in a big gardening job, like clearing a block of yard for a vegetable garden, without also investing in say, their own root-tiller. It’s just like borrowing from your neighbor, except, you gotta pay the guy.

Paul Split Horticulture Classes
(; 912 East St. Mansfield)

Interested in becoming a better gardener or learning how best to use all the supplies you just bought? Check out this Mansfield resident’s horticulture classes on topics like patio gardening and lectures on topics like “Gardening for The Birds” or “Fertilization and Irrigation Techniques”. Split offers classes on cooking with organics, too. His site also offers links to buying seeds, accessories, fertilizers and more.

Gardening can be fun and rewarding, a great creative outlet, and also good for your health. Whether you have a big plot of land or a patio, you can still enjoy this hobby. Get started on the right foot by getting the right supplies. Then, dig in!

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