Garnier Fructis Hair Care Products Review

As a man, I wasn’t familiar with the many different types of shampoos and conditioners until I started to grow my hair out. As it got longer, I realized my current shampoo was not enough to keep it manageable. It tangled and developed bad split ends. After trying a number of different brands, I found the Garnier Fructis line.
I have used two different types of their shampoo and conditioner: the dry and damaged formula and the long and strong formula. Both worked very well. The dry and damaged shampoo and conditioner helped to make me hair less dry and gave it more body. The company then introduced the long and strong formula, and I changed over to it. I’ve used the long and strong shampoo for almost a year now, and I’ve noticed definite improvements in my hair. It feels better, looks healthier, and my barber has noticed that I have fewer split ends.
The deep conditioner is definitely worth investing in. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, you put in the deep conditioner for three minutes, then wash it out. It makes my hair much less tangled and easier to style and manage. The styling gel, also, is a good buy. The previous gel I used reacted badly with the hard water I have, but I’ve had no problems with the Garnier gel. It doesn’t make my hair overly stiff or look oily like some styling products do.
I’ve only noticed two downsides to the Garnier Fructis hair care products. Occasionally, my store will be out of the long and strong formula. Also, for those who travel regularly, I haven’t found any Garnier travel-sized products. Every now and then they will package a trial sized conditioner or shampoo with a regular sized bottle, but not very often.
Overall, the Garnier products are reasonably priced, with most of them falling in the $2.00 to $3.50 range. I also frequently find coupons for the products, making them even cheaper. They are available at most stores, including Wal-Mart and Target. In addition to the products that I’ve used, other products, including more styling products, are available. With a range of different products for many different types of hair, they are an excellent choice for just about everyone.