Genoa Candy Dance: Eat Homemade Candy and Dance the Night Away

With a hint of fall in the air the trees begin to show off their autumn colors, the glow and smell of wood burning stoves are in the air to burn off the morning chill, and most people begin to think about shopping for Christmas. The Genoa Candy Dance is one of the greatest Arts and Crafts fairs in Northern Nevada. Some Artisans on the West Coast save all of their wares especially for this event and the selection is tremendous. Approximately 300 craft vendors will scatter throughout Mormon Station State Park and Genoa Town Park to display their goods. There will also be a booth selling Genoa tee shirts. The vendor booths are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are scattered all through town, so wear walking shoes and get their early to get a good parking spot. An additional 25-food vendors will be set up at the new firehouse
For the past few weeks, volunteers have been working toward a goal of producing about 4,000 pounds of candy for sale. The candy makers crowd into the kitchen in the old firehouse, making caramel-chocolate turtles, fudges, and other delights. Huge batches of homemade candy are being made fore sale to the public. There are crowds, and long lines for the homemade candy, but if you go early you’ll miss a lot of the aggravation
In addition to the daily activities, there is also a annual dinner-dance and only 400 tickets are available. Ticket holders are invited to the Town Hall (formerly the Raycraft Hall) where a band provides live entertainment. A barbecue dinner is usually served at the nearby Falcke family’s Orchard House. Tickets are $15 each. Other food feasts include a $10 steak dinner Friday night, breakfast, and lunch both Saturday and Sunday mornings.
The town of Genoa is located in the foothills and traffic is a problem so the city has made plans to ease congestion. Three lots will provide parking-on Foothill Road, Genoa Lane, and Jacks Valley Road (adjacent to the cemetery.) Parking in these lots will be $4.00 per vehicle. Shuttle buses are scheduled to run from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and free shuttle-bus service will be available from Douglas High School and Carson Valley Inn in Minden. All roads to Genoa will be open and accessible, but vehicle access to the town will only be for residents and other authorized personnel. Plenty of volunteers will be directing traffic.
Information in a Nutshell
The Genoa “Candy Dance”
Last Weekend in September
Arts and Crafts
Handmade Candy
Free Event
Parking is $4.00
Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
Free Shuttle Bus service
You can get more information by calling 775-782-8696