Get Heidi Klum’s Hair on a Budget

Having a team of hairstylists at her fingertips makes looking good a little easier for Heidi Klum than for the rest of us, but you don’t have to spend a fortune to get glamorous model-style hair. Spend a little time revamping your locks and feel like you just stepped out of the hair salon without spending any money.

Heidi’s hair color: get your hair highlighted caramel tones of blond at your hair salon by taking a color picture of Heidi’s hair with you as an example. Or try it your self at home. A few years ago doing your own highlights was risky and messy but the latest at-home kits make home-highlighting a cheaper option with great results. Try products like L’Oreal Highlight Stylist, about $11,79, or Clairol Herbal Essences Highlights, about $12,99.

Hint: read instructions carefully before you start and have all the things you will need around you.
Heidi’s coiff: Whether on the red carpet or offing Project Runway contestants, Heidi never seems to wear the same hairstyle more than a few times. Give yourself three basic looks to work from and you’ll find your creativity and skill will improve with practice. When you have confidence, you can adapt any of these styles by adding hair bands, studded hair slides or clips.

* Straight hair, long bangs:

Reminiscent of Twiggy and the 70s, this look works especially well if you want to lengthen a round face. Start by shampooing and conditioning. If you have naturally curly or frizzy hair, use a straightening balm like Bed Head Control Freak Serum Frizz Control and Straightener, about $16,99, or FX Straighten Out Hair Treatment, $5,99. Be careful not to use too much because it will make your hair look greasy.

Divide your hair into four sections and start on the underneath sections. Blow dry from the roots to the ends using a large round brush. Then do the top sections. To create bangs if you don’t have them, brush your hair forward from about 2cm back from the hairline. Pull it forward and trim just above your eyes, at about your eyebrows. Be careful not to cut dead straight or you’ll end up looking like Cleopatra. Use the scissors at an angle and cut into the fringe. The great thing about long bangs like this is that you can wear them forward, back or flick to the side.

* Windblown waves:

This is great on everyone, especially if you have a long face. This look also makes you look younger. Straighten and dry as above, but twist the end sections of your hair out wards from your face with your hands. This creates a natural, soft finish. Or you can use wind the ends of your hair around your round brush and dry on the hot setting. Remember when drying your hair; use hot air to styling and blast with cold air to set. If you want a little volume, use a volumizing mousse like Garnier Fructis Style Volume Inject Mousse, about $3,99. Rub a golf ball amount between your hands and run through your wet hair before drying, especially at the roots. Then when you start to blow dry, turn your head upside down and blast the roots. Don’t be surprised if your hair seems too wild when you stand up. It will settle quickly and leave you with an energetic bounce. Prevent your style from dropping by spritzing with a light hair spray like Pantene Pro-V Hair spray Volumizing Aerosol Flexible Hold, $3,99.

* Sexy updo:

Up styles are perfect for a night out, a romantic date or when you just want to feel good. They suit everyone and the effect of pulling the hair back off your face works as an instant mini-face lift. It’s not impossible to do a great updo by yourself. Copy Heidi’s German damsel Emmy 2006 coiff with some hard-hold gel like L’Oreal Studio Line Mega Gel Mega Hold, about $3,99. Start by shampooing your hair and then towel drying. Slightly wet hair is easier to work with than dry hair, which is softer more difficult to control. Run some gel through your hair from the roots. Again, make sure not to use too much – about a marble-sized blob should work, depending on your length of hair. A trick to prevent your hair from hardening too much is to rub the gel in your hands with a few drops of water, and then running your hands through your hair. From the back, underneath section of your head, separate a wad of hair and braid it to the end. If your hair isn’t long enough to make it around your head your can use two smaller sections and wind them up from either side, joining them at the top of your head. Another option is to use a hair piece, which are available at most pharmacies. Comb back the remaining hair. Wind the braid around and secure it about two centimeters from your hairline using bobby pins. Make sure you tuck them out of sight. This on its own it’s a pretty look, but if you want Heidi’s style, bundle the remaining hair at the base of your head and twist it. Then coil it into a bun and secure either with bobby pins or with an elastic band that you tuck into the rim of the bun. Keep your style in place with a hard-hold hair spray.

Hint: use conditioner regularly and a treatment once a week to keep your hair shiny. Olive oil is a great treatment for hair; apply about a tablespoon to dry hair and run through with your fingers or a comb. Leave on for five or ten minutes, then shampoo and condition as usual.

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