Get Organized with a Garage or Yard Sale

Clutter and excessive items around the home or storage areas can create disorganization and limit your ability to get things done. Why waste your precious space with things you don’t need or no longer care for? Encourage your clutter-control powers by organizing a garage or yard sale, and even turn a profit from unused items and objects. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when organizing your next successful garage or yard sale:
1. Schedule the garage sale enough time in advance to place enough ads, get the word out to neighbors, and create flyers for extra interest.
2. Clean up and wipe down all items you plan to sell; mark them with potential prices if necessary, but do make sure that your ‘policy’ rests on bargaining grounds!
3. Purchase or borrow attractive folding tables and other pieces of wood/furniture to display your items well.
4. Use larger items and attractive pieces to entice people driving or walking by
5. Obtain the necessary garage sale signs, stickers, or posters from your local post office, library, or other outlet and customize them in unique ways
6. Use “Everything for $x” tables or baskets for easy-to-grab or pick-up items. This is a great way to move difficult-to-price items.
7. Ask neighbors and locals to donate items for your yard sale that they no longer want; you will be selling these for a profit, but you would be surprised how many people are eager to simply get rid of items without holding a garage sale for themselves!
8. Make sure everything you plan to sell is clearly marked, and anything NOT for sale is kept well away from your garage or yard sale area.
9. Prepare to make a sale with bargaining, at the end of the day, or to ‘move’ items quickly. Antoher incentive for garage sale shoppers is to offer them two items for the price of one, or slightly increase the price to take two or more items together.
10. Showcase toys and pleasing-looking items for kids to enjoy; they will easily encourage their parents to buy!
11. Provide ample parking space for your garage sale patrons; nothing is more frustrating for your potential customers than not finding parking. They will simply turn around and leave or go somewhere else!
12. Decorate with balloons, flags, posters, and signage whenever and wherever you can. You want to attract as much attention as possible when your garage sale is ‘in session!’
13. List your garage sale on sites such as,, your local Craigslist, or other free online listing services. Entice garage sale lovers with your most wanted and sale priced items.
14. Offer snacks and drinks free of charge, and you’ll have crowds lingering and even just mingling for enough time to make a purchase!
15. Set yourself apart with creative wording and advertising; make the most of your listings and classified ads with catchy phrases and highlights
16. Price your items to sell, not to make money. Remember, you don’t want to end this sale with a lot of items left unsold, so get them moving and out of there! BUT. . .
17. Price high-end items high; people will always negotiate and bargain with you, and you don’t want to miss out on a potential opportunity for a decent price/trade
18. Categorize and organize; make the sale itself an experience for people to remember by going a little crazy with organization! Take extra steps to showcase and provide a walking area to marvel at all your products; it may just be worth the extra effort.
19. Offer a free cookie, soda, or other edible treat for every purchase. The costs can be minimal for this item, especially if they are homemade. People will not only remember it, but are more likely to buy something just for th sake of getting their ‘freebie.’
20. Keep moving; keep organizing and moving items around, tidy up, and stay busy chit-chatting with your visitors. This will not only encourage sales, but will also help people feel comfortable to purchase something.
21. Always hang up clothes; this makes it easy to browse, and easy to grab! Avoid using ‘bins’ of clothing, or piles on floors. Not many people are apt to look through large assortments, and will likely give up after not being able to find anything after one or two attempts.
Use these twenty one tips to boost your garage sale to a whole new level! You’ll be able to make the most of your garage or yard sale when you can accommodate for and cater to a variety of prospects, visitors, and even people just driving by. It’s always important to advertise effectively, and make sure that you are up for even the most challenging haggler! Do remember that your ultimate goal is to leave the garage sale with limited products left; prepare well by offering slashed and deep discounts, multiple product purchases, incentives such as free food and drinks, and plenty of room and time for browsing. Most of all, have fun! You’ll be enjoying the freedom of a decluttered living space and possibly garage after the whole event is over, and maybe some extra cash on the side!