Get Out and Exercise in San Diego

When a person thinks about a recreational activity or sport they may relate it to exercising. Exercising is only part of what a recreational activity has to offer. When participating in a recreational activity or sport an individual is not only getting exercise, but are also having fun, socializing, and learning something new. To really enjoy an activity like bowling or golf a person has to have a good facility to go to. San Diego, CA has many unique places to choose from if you want to learn something new.

Two popular businesses where people go to take classes and exercise are 24 Hour Fitness and the YMCA. These two businesses offer many venues around San Diego, and offer different types of recreational activities. The YMCA caters to all ages when it comes to different activities. They offer classes in basketball, flag football, roller hockey, soccer, swimming, t-ball, baseball, volleyball, and gymnastics to name a few. They also offer classes for senior adults that include; water exercising classes, water polo, and many more. For more info you can contact the YMCA by going to their website and finding the location near you. Another place that you can find an assortment of recreational classes is 24 Hour Fitness. The good thing about this facility is that it’s open all the time, and gives flexibility to your schedule. So if you’re looking for an activity that can help you exercise you will find it at 24 Hour Fitness. Some classes they offer are aerobics, weightlifting, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga, and much more. For more information you can go to the 24 Hour Fitness website.

If you’re a student and want to learn a recreational activity and earn credits for it, enrolling into a Community College is also another place where you can take lessons. The great thing about taking the activity at a community college is that it is less expensive, last for 3-4 months, and you don’t have to become a member for anything. Plus, there are great instructors that can teach you something fun while you also earn credit for it. Some San Diego Community Colleges include: San Diego City College(619-388-3400), Mesa College(619-388-2600), and Miramar College(858-536-7800). Some of the classes that these three colleges offer are bowling, aerobic dance, step aerobics, aquatic fitness, badminton, baseball, basketball, springboard diving, football golf, jazz dance, racquetball, softball, soccer, and many more. You can get more information about these Community Colleges by calling their contact numbers or by going to their websites.

There are also other places around San Diego that offer recreational classes and are free to join. The Lion Club that is located in North Park and offers dance and aerobic classes. There is also the San Diego Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center (619-692-2077) that is located in Hillcrest that offers free classes that include dancing, sewing, cooking, martial arts, and self defense. If you are just interested in one activity like bowling you can also go to a local San Diego bowling alley and sign up for just bowling classes. The list of places to join a recreational activity class is endless, but these are the best well known and inexpensive places to go to in San Diego.

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