Get Paid Cash to Participate in Focus Groups

Each focus group focuses on their own unique topics so often the participants are chosen after they have been asked several qualifying questions and screened briefly over the telephone or online.
Companies who host focus groups are most often located in larger cities like New York, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles, but it doesn’t hurt to sign up for some of the marketing research company panels anyway because sometimes the focus groups are conducted online or in smaller towns. Furthermore, the research studies do not stop at roundtable focused discussions, these companies also perform paid one on one interviews, taste tests, mock jurys, and website evaluations.
I strongly suggest signing up for the following focus group panels. Just fill out your contact info and they will be in touch with you when they think you might be eligible. Be patient, it doesn’t happen all the time, as they have to be diverse in their selection. But if you do get chosen, cross your fingers that you qualify to participate because the average focus group pays about $100. Who couldn’t use that?
Join These Panels
Columbia-Focus Might be just MD
Express Research and Focus Groups
*If you are interested in learning how
to participate in future FOCUS GROUPS click here:
Brookson Research-Consultants in Applied social Research