Get Rid of Ants, Birds, Sand and Odors with These Tips

Getting rid of everyday things that annoy us around the house need not be expensive nor time consuming. Some of the simplest and cheapest solutions are often the best, like these home remedy solutions for getting rid of ants, birds, sand and odors.
Repel Ants with this Spice
If ants start invading your home, you can get rid of them without chemical sprays, just head for the spice rack and grab the bottle of cinnamon. Follow the ant trail to discover the pests point of entry into your home. Sprinkle cinnamon on the point of entry and on the nearest door threshold. Ants hate the smell of cinnamon and will immediately leave, plus the cinnamon is environmentally friendly, and safe for children and pets.
Shoo Birds with Easy Kid’s Craft
This easy kid’s craft serve double duty – it keeps kids occupied and gets rid of invading birds that are trying to eat garden vegetables or fruits. All that’s needed for this easy kid’s craft is cardboard, aluminum foil and twine.
Cut out shapes from cardboard like stars or circles, cover each shape with aluminum foil. Use scissor point to poke a hole in the top of each shape and place a length of twine through the hole and tie the ends together to form a hanging loop. Hang the shapes on tree limbs near the garden, fruit trees or berry patch. The foil covered shapes will blow in the breeze and reflect flashes of sunlight and shoo the birds away.
Powder the Sand Away
Before heading out for a day at the beach, set a container of baby powder near your home’s entry door for a quick sand cleanup. When returning home from a day at the beach, (before entering the house) sprinkle the baby powder generously over everyone’s feet and all beach toys. The baby powder absorbs all moisture and the sand will brush right off and not get tracked inside the house.
Deodorize Hands with Mouthwash
Odors from some of summertime’s favorite foods like to cling to hands after food preparation, get rid of food odors like fish, onions and garlic by washing hands in mouthwash. Pour a couple of tablespoons of mouthwash into hands and rub hand together, rinse in warm water. The alcohol in the mouthwash gets rid of the odors on skin instantly.
Keep Sliding Glass Doors Opening Smoothly
Sliding glass doors get a work out during summer, so keep the opening and closing smoothly with furniture polish. Spray a little furnish polish in the door tracks, it picks up a remove dirt and primes the track surface to keep the doors sliding smoothly.