Get Rid of Clutter and Stop Being a Pack Rat

You don’t have to be a pack rat to find that you are losing the battle against clutter. It is a battle we all face and if you feel as though all hope is lost, do not despair. The solution may not be as difficult as you think.

Start by assessing the situation. Where exactly are the most troublesome areas in your home. The kitchen counter? The entryway? The bedroom? All of the above? Just be honest with yourself and make a list of each area of your home that could really use some tidying up. Your list may be quite long or perhaps contain only a few areas, but in any case you need a starting point and your list will provide just that.

Decide where to begin. Maybe it would help to rank the problem areas in order of importance, determined by which areas you find the most troubling. Once you’ve chosen your first location, do a bit of thinking while staring at the mess. What exactly is causing the problem? Is the space being misused? Decide what the primary function of the space should be and devote it solely to that. Reassign all other uses. For example, if the dining room table doubles as a work space for your painting hobby, consider setting up your studio somewhere else so the table can be used for meals only.

Maybe the space is being used as it should but is simply overflowing with stuff. Stuff is clutter’s best friend, so it is wise to eliminate anything you really don’t need anymore. Can’t fit any more jackets into the coat closet? Time for a trip to your local donation collection center. Toy box won’t shut? Perhaps a garage sale is in order. Chances are there are some things you could stand to part with. Part with them and marvel at how much less clutter you have.

Maybe the space is being used appropriately, the excess is gone, and yet it still seems cluttered. Time to devise a system for organizing that which remains. There are entire companies devoted to helping people organize their closets and cupboards. They can seemingly work miracles and if it is in your budget to go this route you will find such companies extremely helpful. If it is the case that you are looking for a more inexpensive solution, don’t worry. All of the local super center stores have aisles carrying containers in all shapes and sizes for just about any need you’ll have. Use these words to guide your organization: a place for everything and everything in its place. That means a basket for the mail, hooks for coats, racks for shoes.

Once you’ve taken these steps, the only thing left to do is to follow through. You must really stick to the organizational system you have devised. Having a place for everything doesn’t mean much unless you actually use the places you have assigned to your belongings. Be vigilant in returning things to the places you have decided they belong. Stick to your plans and say goodbye to clutter.

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