Getting Motivated for Spring Cleaning

It is almost that time of year again, some people seem to dread it, and others seem to love it. The time of year when you can get rid of all of the dust dirt and grime that has built up over the winter. But since your have probably been couped up in the house all winter long you are probably pretty eager to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. The last thing you probably want to do is clean. But if you take the time to give your house a thorough spring cleaning ti will feel like spring both inside and out. The key to spring cleaning is to plan out exactly what you are going to do.

Prior to starting to clean there are a few things you need to do to prepare yourself. First of all you need to wear comfortable old clothes. This way you do not have to worry about staining anything or getting anything dirty. The next thing you will need to do is get your cleaning supplies ready. Check and see what you have and if there is anything else you may need before you begin. If you have all of your cleaning supplies ready and on hand then it will make your job a lot easier. It may be a good idea to place all of your cleaning supplies into a bucket or some type of crate that you can carry from room to room. The basic items you need are old rags, paper towels, floor cleaner, glass cleaner, and counter cleaner. You will also need to make sure that you have plenty of garbage bags handy, because there will probably be plenty of garbage that will need to be picked up along the way.

Anything that you find you no longer have a use for, place in a pile by itself, possibly outside. Then you can decide later if you are going to keep these items, or maybe try selling them at a yard sale. Next you will want to make sure that you turn off the television and turn on the radio. People seem to get more motivated with their cleaning when they have some fast paced music to keep them going. Open up all the windows and let the light shine, and the fresh air in while you clean. It is a known fact that sunlight helps to keep people active and motivated. When you begin a room, start from the left side and work your way over to the right side. This will help to make sure that you do not miss any spots. Avoid transferring any items to another room. You will just be adding to your mess in a different location. Make sure to put the items away where they belong. If they do not have a spot then you should create one and put it away. Dust everything including pictures shelves. Also you will want to wear gloves, even though it may seem more difficult to get the job done, it will help to protect your skin from some of the harsh chemicals in some cleaning products.

Once you have removed and cleaned everything and it is now time to put the items back where they belong, make sure that you do not hold onto items you will never use. You could also try adding some flowers to the room to help make the room look brighter and warmer. It will also help to make your home feel more like spring. You will want to make sure that you have some type of idea, on how you would like each room to look when you are done. Dust and vacuum every area and any crevice, from the ceiling to the floor. Since dust falls downward it would only make sense to clean from top to bottom. Don’t forget about your curtains, they tend to collect a lot of dust so you will have to take them all down and wash them. And if you have blinds you will want to clean these as well.

When it comes to the bedroom you will have to make sure that you vacuum both your mattress and your box spring, unless you plan on buying a new one. With the floors you will want to make sure you sweep up all the dust prior to mopping the floor. You will have to vacuum the stove vents and the refrigerator coils. Cleaning out your fridge is yet another very large task. This is something you will want to do prior to you doing your weekly or monthly shopping, when the fridge is almost empty. The key to spring cleaning is to make your home feel like spring both inside and out. It may be a lot of work and just the thought of it may make you dread the idea. But once you see the finished results you will be very happy that you did it. Also keep in mind that the sooner you begin your cleaning the sooner you will be done.

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