Getting Organized in Your Home Office

One of my New Years resolutions this year is to get organized. I plan on starting over in my office in the next month or so when we move into our new house. So I think now is a great time to discuss some needed things to do to get and stay organized. No matter the ‘business’ you do, these tips should apply to you.

Even with the electronics we have, having a paper filing system is still needed. Depending on your space and amount of files, you can use a small file folder on up to a file cabinet. They have many types of file folders available, my favorites are the kind with a built in media holder, as you can put in all paperwork as well as the associated CD /DVD with the electronic backups. You can sort using colors, dates, names, etc.

Having a dry-erase board near your desk can be a life saver, as well as a actual paper calendar for more memorable events and record keeping. I like using the dry erase board as it lets me quickly jot something down and not worry about wasting space. I also use a calendar online and synchronize them at least two times a week.

You need to have a spot for extra supplies and tools. These do not have to be right next to your desk, they can be kept in a closet, shelf or rubbermaid across the room or even across the house is space requires, but always try to have extras of any consumables(pens, paper, ink, etc) well before they run out. If you don’t have them on hand, Murphy’s law will make them run out when you most need them and cant run to the store!

Letter Tray
I have a tow tiered try next to my desk, I use this for immediate sorting of mail and printed papers that I don’t get to putting away or dealing with. The method I use is the things that need an ‘action’ (reply, pay, phone call, enter into computer, etc) will go into the top tray and the items that are done and ready to be put into the file system are in the bottom level. Try to spend a little time every day, or at least once a week to file the things in the bottom and complete the top, I have learned from experience these can fill up quickly if left alone!

Trash Can
The one thing my office space is missing right now is a trash can, this will help reduce clutter quickly, as sometimes when you are in the middle of doing something you just don’t have time to get up and take the papers/can/etc to the trash, and it can add up quickly. How we overlooked this when setting up is beyond me but I am fixing this ASAP !

Egg timer
You may be thinking, what on earth do I need this for?! But in reality, when working from home, a timer is so valuable! As you may have already learned, when working from home, time can get away from you very quickly. I use my timer to allot for surfing, posting, or checking email. These things can sometimes take up much more of your time than expected, by getting sidetracked. I have wasted away hours of precious time by checking an email, following a link, then another and end up not even checking email or even being slightly productive. If you set the timer, when that timer goes off, you can quickly analyze what your doing and determine if you are wating time or need to hit the ‘snooze’.

Well, those are some of the most important things I can think of right now, of course there are many more things you may need to set up an office, like a desk, computer, chair, etc. But these are some of the little things we may overlook. Feel free to comment with your own tips or items.

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