Getting Started with Scrapbooking

The pictures from your wedding. The high school dance. The flyer from a play you acted in as a child. The first pictures of your own children. All of these are perfect for a scrapbook. Scrapbooks are collections of pictures, drawings, and clippings put into book form for easy viewing and storage. They are a look into the past, a way of preserving and reminding ourselves of the best of what was. Because of the intense person connection that a scrapbook has, it is no surprise that so many people make them. If you are interested in making one of your own, here are some good weblinks to get you started.

1. is a fantastic resource for beginners. It contains instructions and hints for beginners, as well as advice on supplies and storage. In addition, If you are new to scrapbooking, this site should be your first stop.

2. is an online supply store and community devoted to scrapbooking. Through it, you can buy all the possible supplies you may want or need when making your scrapbook. also has challenges and contests you can enter if you really get into the hobby and wish to stretch your skills or try something truly artistic and unique.


For those that have either have begun or are about to begin their scrapbook, proves itself valuable. A community for scrapbookers, you will find articles on scrapbooking, product reviews, and galleries full of other scrapbooks filled with great ideas for your own. If you aren’t sure how you wish to set up your scrapbook, this site will give you plenty of ideas.


Not everyone has a physical scrapbook. Some prefer to make digital scrapbooks, especially with the increasing prevalence of digital cameras and digital photography. has galleries, tutorials, and downloads to help you make a digital scrapbook.

These are not the only good places for scrapbook information on the web, but they are some of the best. If these don’t give you what you are looking for, try some of the links below.

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