Getting Your Poetry Read and Critiqued Online

One place where you can publish your poetry for free is at You can read the poetry of others, get reviews for your own works, and even earn rewards while doing so. As people give you positive reviews you move up in ranks at the site, which is international. Don’t publish your works if you feel like you can’t handle harsh comments as some people can be very unkind. But, read through all the reviews on one poem before deciding if people like it. Just because one or two may be harsh doesn’t mean that many more won’t love the poetry.
You’ll find over half a million poems at Poetry Poem. There you can publish your own collection of poems for others to read. Not only that, but you can also sell your poetry through the site. All poets retain the copyrights to their materials and are critiqued by the other members at the site. Have a look:
At Circle of Poets you not only publish your poems and have them critiqued but you can also enter poetry contests as well as poetry and writing competitions. The site offers fabulous insights into the world of poetry, covering metaphors, rhetoric, rhythm, definition and more. It covers how to critique poetry, what to look for in a good poem, how to recognize corrections needed in your own poetry and so much more. Check it out at
Nearly a million and a half poems are presented at Although you’re free to leave your own personal comments concerning the poetry, the site encourages friendly criticism. The site also requires a small monthly fee to cover their own expenses. You can advertise your work, chat, send instant messages or visit the All-Poetry School of Poetry at their site. Browse poems by content, by writer, or other key words.
At Darker Vision you can publish poetry and other writings. Get critiqued by members who are also published. The site is loaded with great poems, terrible poems, fabulous short stories, boring short stories and a lot more. Http://
Promote your talents at Poetry Battle online. The community is made up of all sorts of artists from photographers to poets to paintings. There’s forums, shopping, events and chat to mention only a few of the site’s features. Check it out at
If you’re serious about writing poetry, and think you can handle valid criticism on your work, consider publishing it online for critique. You’ll get an idea of what others think of your poems plus you’ll be able to showcase your work to those looking for great poetry.