Getting a Divorce in Lafayette, Indiana

Getting a divorce is a painful decision for every couple, unless of course they have some really bad situation between them. In this article I have tried to present some information on getting divorced in Lafayette, Indiana. This by no way is a replacement for a lawyer or a sound legal advice from a professional.

Reasons for getting a divorce:

Indiana State law does not require married couple to show fault by the other party to claim divorce. You can ask for divorce if one or more of the following is true: marriage has broken down beyond repair, either one is convicted of a felony during the marriage, impotency and if either one goes incurably insane for at least two years.

Procedure for filing for divorce:

You can file for divorce in Lafayette, Indiana if you have resided in state of Indiana for six months and in Tippecanoe County
(Lafayette is in this County) for three months.

In case of abuse or violence:

If the husband or wife has faced abuse in hands of the other, then they can file for temporary restraining order against the other. This will make sure that the tormentor cannot go to the residence or workplace of the victim or make contact with the victim.

On Child support

When deciding about the custody of a child, the Court’s decision is based on the best interest of the child. Some other factors considered are: the child’s relationship with the parent, relationship with the siblings, the child’s educational, health and social needs. A parent who gets the custody has to inform the Court if he/she is taking the child out of the state or anywhere more than 100 mile from the home.

The amount of child support to be paid to the custodial parent is determined by calculating the
gross income of both the parents, number of children the parents are supporting and the cost of the child’s education, health care and other expenses.

In Tippecanoe County, the Child Support payment may be made in person at the County courthouse or mailed to: Child Support, Tippecanoe County Clerk, PO Box 1665, Lafayette, IN 47902-1665. Please note that if you pay child support in Indiana, you have pay $20 annual fee. In case of late payment, the fee is increased to $30.


According to Indiana law, the property should divided equally among the couple, unless one party can show that doing so is unreasonable.

Parenting workshop

In a divorce if minor children are involved, then in Tippicanoe Country the parents have to attend the workshop presented by the Family Relations Division. The workshop is titled “Toward the Best Interests of the Children”.

Joint Liabilities:

If you have a joint debt then you are responsible for it.Getting a divorce does not entitle you to deny paying the debt.


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