GhoStock3: Ghost Hunters’ Convention in Savannah

Patrick Burns, the founder of Georgia’s Ghost Hounds Paranormal Investigative Group, is also the organizer of GhoStock, a paranormal convention in Savannah, Georgia. This is the third year of GhoStock, and it promises to be educational, spooky, thrilling and fun!

Taking place September 29-October 1st, GhoStock is right at home in Savannah, which some people believe to be the most haunted city in the United States. If it’s not, it’s right up there. The people of Savannah have a wonderful attitude toward the spectral denizens of their city, treating them with pride and respect. This may be the reason for the prevalence of sightings here. I have taken ghost tours several times, and it often seems that nearly every house and hotel in the historic district has its own ghost. Certainly, there could be no more beautiful, atmospheric and historic a location for an investigation of ghostly phenomena.

Patrick and his team and their guests will share their attempts to bring scientific methods to the study of the paranormal. Mr. Burns is one of the three stars of Court TV’s new show, Haunting Evidence, Wednesdays at 10:30 PM. His co-stars on the show will be in attendance. The Ghost Hounds have been conducting free investigations for the past five years by invitation from homeowners and others who feel they may be experiencing paranormal phenomena.

GhoStock will offer attendees the opportunity to participate in actual ghost investigations, tour Fort Pulaski after hours, and actually explore Bonaventure Cemetary after hours! Bonaventure Cemetary, made famous in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, is fascinating at any hour, but for an atmosphere inducive to ghostly phenomena, Bonaventure after hours must be near the top of anyone’s list.

The host hotel for this convention is the acclaimed Marshall House Hotel, in Savannah’s historic district. It is, of course, rumored to be haunted. According to the website, during GhoStock 2, almost every guest experienced something unexplainable.

So, whether you are actively involved in some area of psychic investigation or simply curious, bring yourself and your open mind to Savannah!

GhoStock 3, September 29, October 1
$39.95 per individual, $69.95 for couples

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