Gift Ideas for Little Girls

Most likely your little one loves to put on makeup, do her hair, and make sure she is pretty. A vanity is the perfect choice here. Many brand name companies make vanities just for children and they come in all shapes with an unimaginable amount of options. Aim for one that has a decent amount of features available (i.e. drawers that open to keep her stuff in, a mirror for primping, a cushioned seat). There are wood vanities and several hard plastic types to choose from, the age really comes into play here. If you have a younger child you probably want to steer towards the hard plastic since they normally offer more features (some even sing and talk), are normally less expensive, and damage less easily. For older girls a wood vanity is a good choice, they come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs, are able to be used longer, and are more “grownup” in her eyes.
Like they say, diamonds are girls’ best friend. While diamonds may be a far reach, little girls love to have real jewelry because it makes them feel pretty and more sophisticated. The options are limitless here, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and anklets. For younger girls a necklace or earrings are probably best (provided she has pierced ears for earrings). Start off with something that’s reasonably priced since she’s young she will probably be prone to losing things. There are tons of items in each category for everyone’s price range, do some comparison shopping online or in your local mall to find what you want. Don’t be afraid to tell sales people if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, they can offer great advice to steer you in the best direction.
How about some dress up clothes? Lots of stores sell pretty dresses, tiaras, shoes, purses, and pretty much anything you can think of. Nothing says princess like being able to dress like one. There are many options here too; you can go with the traditional princesses that are featured in popular children’s movies or just get girls dress up clothes from a local store. The price range is wide, from a dollar at your local discount store to several hundred if it’s custom made. November is normally the best time to shop for more expensive dress up items, as all the Halloween costumes left over will be on sale.
Taking her to get her nails done or a gift certificate to a local nail salon is a great option. Little girls love to have their nails painted and will marvel at the plethora of choices available. She can get them painted any color under the rainbow (and then some) and most places even offer special designs or airbrushed pictures. Most places charge under 20 dollars for a child’s manicure and nail painting. If you spend a little more money you can get her toes painted as well. Nail salons are normally everywhere and most likely there are at least a few around your area.
A great way for your little girl to pretend to be a grownup is to have a playhouse. She can set up a tea set on the little table and have a princess party with her friends, stuffed animals, or even relatives. This item is a little pricey but worth the money due to the hours of entertainment and pretend play it offers. She can decorate the inside however she wants and spend the days fulfilling her dream of being a princess in her own little princess house. There are even small princess type castles and houses available for purchase on the Internet. If you’re creative you can decorate the outside with decals of crowns, knights, hearts, or even her name. She’ll definitely love the added fun of being able to design it in her own special princess way.
Jewelry boxes are a great purchase, especially if your little diva already has a jewelry collection going (real or costume jewelry). She will love being able to have a special place for all her jewels and gems. Types of jewelry boxes range largely and can be anything from a wood box, to a musical box, or jewelry boxes made of metal. Many specialty stores offer personalization so she can have her name and special message displayed on the top. Make sure to purchase jewelry box that is lined with velvet or other material so it will not scratch her jewelry. The selection of decorations is endless with these so be prepared and have an idea of what you’re looking for. Jewelry boxes normally range from 20 dollars to about 50 dollars. There are more expensive ones out there if you’re interested, but most of the expensive ones are large, bulky, and made for adult use.
Of course you always have the option to purchase any princess theme merchandise from the popular top brands. You can purchase everything from personalized blankets with princesses on them to mirrors in the shape of a crown. There is definitely a large price range, so you’re sure to find something you can afford. The Internet is a great place to search for princess items with hundreds of pages offering everything and anything to make her shine.
Now that you have a hand full of suggestions and ideas take a deep breath and try not to be overwhelmed. You know your child better than anyone (if she’s not yours talk to someone who knows her well) and you’ve probably already got and idea of what she would like best. Little divas and princesses are not known for keeping their wants a mystery for long, so when in doubt ask her yourself. Have fun shopping and letting her know that she will always be a princess in your eyes.