Gift Ideas for the College Student

How about a small box containing a mini sewing kit some masking tape and scotch tape? A couple of tools such as a screwdriver and wrench will come in handy as well as some assorted nails and screws. Place all these items neatly in a small storage container that will slide neatly into a drawer or underneath the bed.
A plastic beach bag containing a couple of towels, washcloths, Shampoo, conditioner, soap and other personal items will make that trip down the hall to the showers much easier to manage.
When your son/daughter returns home for a visit send them back to school with a couple gift cards for grocery stores, a phone card for emergencies a couple of rolls of quarters for the washer and dryer or snack machines, a roll of stamps and a gas card if they have a car. Batteries, pens, printer paper, blank cd’s and notepads are always in short supply. So stop by your local office supply store before your next visit.
When all those students from all those different areas come together there is bound to be some sort of illness traveling around. . Send your son or daughter a first aid kit of your own making. Use a plastic container about the size of a shoe box and fill it with over the counter medications such as cough syrup , allergy pills, antacids, anti-diarrhea tablets and throat lozenges . Tylenol, bandages, hydrocortisone cream and Neosporin are a must for this useful gift. Remember what it was like the first time you were on your own and had a nasty cold?
College students are notorious for eating out and snacking in their dorm rooms so make things easier, a box containing a salt/peppershaker, some plastic utensils. Paper plates and cups will make things easier when the guy at the Fast Food Joint forgets to include them with the order. You know the kinds of snacks your kids like so try to find single serving sizes of his/her favorite chips, nuts, or candy. Very few dorms have room for the enormous bag of caramel corn so think small. A package of cocoa mix and a microwaveable mug. A very small coffee pot or one with removable travel mugs would be perfect for a late night of hitting the books. Don’t forget the coffee creamer, and sweetener of choice to go with the machine.
These ideas may not be as spectacular as a mini refrigerator or a microwave/toaster/coffeepot/toothbrush but they will be used. Plus, they have a second benefit, what parent doesn’t like to spend time creating a gift that their kids will use. Have fun shopping and accumulating those favorite brands for that hard working student who is on his/her own this year…