Gifts That Promote a Child’s Growth and Creativity

I remember my Dad’s Uncle Henry carving a rocking horse. He made it with his own hands and I appreciated it. It also reflected his creativity. My Dad’s Aunt Norma made ceramics. She gave me a teddy bear bank with my name and birthdate. I still have it. Also I have a ceramic Jack-O-Lantern that lights up. As a child I loved these gifts and remembered who gave them to me. Gifts like these teaches children the importance of hand crafted items.
To avoid getting “junk” toys, a child’s imagination is not stimulated by these toys; make a list to friends and family before holidays and birthdays. My husband’s family does this all the time. This was a big change for me. I was used to getting cards in the mail. You could even compose a letter stating that you know that they have a genuine interest in your children but you would rather not receive the regular toys offered by commercials.
Let them know that you are raising children to be based in reality and appreciate the world for what it is. For example, taking children to a furniture factory. This would be done in order to show children where furniture is made.
In the letter ask friends to bring a toy for your child that reminds them of their childhood. For example a slinky or a hoola hoop. Another option is to ask friends and family to give something that would be utilized: such as a flashlight or sewing kit. My husband was given a gift of a flashlight for his birthday and he loved it. In fact I am sure a little boy would like this as well.
I own two horses and have been around them my whole life. Another idea for an Aunt, Uncle or friend would be to bring a child to a stable and put them on a pony. This would teach them an appreciation for life. Maybe ask the stable owner to let them brush the pony after riding. May be walking the pony around to cool it off. This would teach the child that horses need to be taken care of as well as ridden.
Give a child a pet, depending on the age. I would recommend that the child be at least 10. It could be a goldfish or a hamster. Make sure a child has in interest in a pet and explain that he or she would be responsible for it. This would be also a lesson in responsibility.
Simple gifts and life experiences are the best. They teach promote imagination and creativity as well as teaching a child about the world around them. Memories are made that a child will remember all their life.