Girl Time for Mothers and Daughters

We pull out Mommy’s makeup bag and jewelry box and plug in the curling iron. We do facials, and experiment with Mommy’s makeup (even though my daughters are not allowed to wear makeup – except in play while at home). We paint our finger nails and toe nails. We put on scented lotion. We try on jewelry until we find the perfect combinations. Then we start fixing our hair. We curl, comb, clip and primp until we are three gorgeous gals! After we’re all decked out in our finest, we usually pop some popcorn then snuggle together on the couch while watching a great age-appropriate chick flick.
Do you want to plan a Girl Time with your daughter or daughters? Here are some suggestions for things to do together to help cement those mother-daughter bonds.
Go to a movie together or pick out movies to rent at the video store. Some of our favorites are “The Prince and Me,” “The Princess Diaries 1 and 2,” “Ever After,” and “Ella Enchanted.”
Go to a favorite store together just to browse. Oftentimes, when I am running errands, there isn’t time to just look around. Make this time together just for looking and browsing together – no hurrying and rushing.
Go to the bookstore or library and pick out a book to read together.
While you’re out shopping, pick out a new bottle of nail polish for each person. Many stores offer small, sample sizes that cost less than $1.
Make jewelry together. All you need are a few items available from a craft store or the craft department of your local discount store (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc.). You’ll need beads, craft wire, fasteners, earring wires, craft glue, pin backs. A pair of jewelry pliers will also be handy. Many of these items you may already have while others can be bought inexpensively. My girls and I have made bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces together.
Make cupcakes together. Ice them with white or pink icing. Cut a small heart shape out of a piece of waxed paper. Use the heart and the heart shape as templates for red or pink sprinkles hearts. Place the waxed paper with the cutout on a cupcake then sprinkle colored sugar or candied sprinkles onto the shape, remove the waxed paper and voila! You have a heart!
Create ice cream sundaes. Be sure to provide plenty of favorite toppings and let the girls make their own – no counting calories during Girl Time!
Have a fancy meal or snack together. Set the table with a fancy tablecloth, light candles, set out special dishes and goblets for drinking iced water or juice. Turn down the lights, turn on some soft music and have a special meal.
Play dress-up together. My girls love to watch me get dressed up in a pretty dress, complete with high heels, jewelry, makeup and styled hair. Let everyone take a turn getting into their fanciest duds and have a fashion show.
Dance together. Turn up the music and get your feet moving! Try out your best dance moves together – do ballet to classical movement, squaredance to bluegrass, or sweat it out with some funky dance tunes.
Bonding between mothers and daughters is important. With a little planning, effort and creativity, the ladies can have a great time together.