Give Christmas Gifts that You Would Want to be Given

That is probably the easiest way to buy someone a gift, think about them and consider would they really want to get this. My wife’s family has had this tradition along with exchanging names for gift giving at holidays. They have gotten each other some really odd and unique things to each other. A lot of it is just silly fun stuff that is not very useful but thought went into the purchasing and the personality of the receiver. One In-Law collects cows while another collects cookie jars, so we have a start with those two. But it’s not just okay to go out to the corner store and pick up the first cow or cookie jar we see and say that’s good enough. We shop around and if we see something that is truly unique and fits the situation, personality or lifestyle of those two we then think about getting it.
My wife has been a teacher and a child care worker and now has about ten kids she watches on a regular basis and gets all kinds of little things. She has gotten all kinds of gifts in the past for teachers, the little ceramic or glass apples, little knick knacks that say teachers are #1 and all kinds of things like this. We have boxes of knick knacks because we just don’t have space for them. One thing that she would like though and many people may say this is wrong is money. Okay, maybe not cash but gift certificates are really better to get than a little knick knack or statue. She would be able to buy herself what she wants or spend it on something she needs and get the gift she will use. My family over the last ten years has really gotten into asking for gift certificates as we want things like computer programs or things that are bit more expensive than one gift giver can afford. It makes sense to be able to get a few gift certificates to Walmart and be able to get that program we would really like to have.
I have found that a gift that is really nice and has some appreciation and value to the receiver is one he or she will use, and that can be something they ask for or something they want but can’t afford. If you can’t afford that thing, then you can get them started in the direction of getting it by giving them a gift certificate that they can use. Even if it’s not to the place they will get it at, they can still save other money by buying things they need at a department store and get the thing they want someplace else. We shop at Walmart and buy all kinds of things like toilet paper and shampoo and such and if we get gift certificates for there we can use our money for a gift item we want at some other store. It is all in the giving, not in the gift per say. The thought that goes into a gift is much more important than the gift.
If you spend some time and effort in getting something someone wants, they will remember that more than if they got something they will never use. If you get some one a gift certificate, they will be buying something they want or need. It’s pretty simple. Now the next argument will be for the ones who think it is not personal enough to be giving money. But if you thought about what the person wanted and found out they want something that you cannot afford to give them, and you see they really do want that thing, there is thought and personable feeling going into helping them get what they want. I don’t think anyone will complain about getting cash or a gift certificate for a gift. And if you want to make it more personable and special you can add some little things that you pick up that are special and give thought about that person.
My mother in law does this all the time, she sees some little things and gets them for gifts as she knows she will be giving them out to someone later. She can be shopping in January and see something and know she will be giving it out in eleven months for someone on her list, if she remembers where she put it. If you see small things you can always get them for that special someone and then worry about the bigger things later, you can be shopping all year long for Christmas gifts, just think about the people you usually get gifts for and keep an eye open for them. Guys don’t get mad at your wife if she takes my advice, it will make your time at Christmas easier when she says you have to join her in the shopping, if she already did it before it will be less time for you near Christmas.
Many times you will be worrying about what to get people for their Christmas gifts, they probably already told you, you just didn’t pick up on it. Think about what they like to do, what is that big sport or hobby or activity they are really into and you can get a gift certificate for a store or even a website for that particular theme. The Internet is another great way to get things for people that you don’t have to go out and figure out what they really want, but can get the general gift certificate for places they like to shop at. Many stores have web site gift certificates for their on line shopping that you can get them and they will be happy to pick out something the really want.
Christmas time is a time for friends and family and happy memories. You can add to that by helping your special people get the gifts they want and will use for years to come by letting them get what they want. If you want to make it more special, you can get them small things that you know they will like and you will be remembered for your gift.