Give Your Bathroom More Green Appeal

1. Have you ever thought about looking into some furnishings that are more water resistant? Think about it. If the things in your bathroom could resist water better, you wouldn’t have to worry about mold and mildew as much. This makes the air easier to breathe and can reduce in cleaning (and cleaning products).
2. You may all ready be buying organic type bathroom towels and even mats. If so, congratulate yourself. But don’t stop there. Begin reading those labels and checking what types of dyes were used to decorate those towels and mats. Make sure they are made from low impact dyes or natural dyes.
3. Think bamboo. You can buy bamboo baskets to sort all types of beauty products, hair products, etc. You can even buy shower caddies made from bamboo ( has a lot of bamboo products.
Why should you use bamboo baskets? Bamboo repels bacteria and humidity. Again, this will help keep your bathroom clean (less cleaning products to buy) and smelling better.
4. Throw away those lead based hooks, pulls and other hardware that you may be using in your bathroom. By now, we all know the dangers of lead. Replace these with non-toxic metal items.
5. Get rid of that plastic shower curtain and get you a good reusable fabric one. You can even buy some great shower curtains made from organic fabrics, including cotton or organic linen.
These organic curtains will not mold and mildew as quick (or ever if incorporated with flax based linen).
6. Use cleaners that are made from natural ingredients or use vinegar.
7. Turn down the setting on your water heater. Saves on your electric or gas bill and saves energy.
8. Buy earth friendly toilet paper or even completely 100 percent recyclable toilet paper. This doesn’t have to cost a fortune and it is as soft as the regular stuff.
9. Finally, did you know you can also buy recyclable paint? Just imagine the amount of paint that goes to the landfill each year?
Yes, these all are small steps. But like we have been told a thousand times, if all took a step or two, we would be closer to having a greener world.
If you want information on how to go green in your bedroom check out this article.