Give to Worthy Causes with a Single Mouse Click

Would you like to be able to make a donation to a worthy cause every day? If you are the type of person who logs onto the internet each day to check their email or to read the news, this could be a very convenient way for you to make a difference. There are a number of websites where all you need to do is click on a button and a donation is made. It is so simple! There are only three steps to take:

1. Bookmark the websites you’d like to visit to donate your clicks to each day

2. Get yourself into the habit of visiting the websites each day, perhaps after you’ve checked your email or finished “surfing”.

3. Click!

When you visit each website and click on the donation button there is no charge to do so. You are invited to visit the website’s sponsors when you do click on the donation button, but this is only suggested, not a requirement. The websites explain that they their ability to make charitable donations is supported through advertisement at their websites. To make the donation, all that is needed is to click on the free “donation” button.

What does your daily click do? At these websites here is what your “click” will contribute:

The Hunger Site,, you will have donated 1.1 cups of food.

The Breast Cancer Site,, you will have helped to fund free mamograms for women.

The Animal Rescue Site,, you will donate .6 bowls of food and care for hungry animals in animal shelters.

The Rainforest Site, , your click will fund the preservation of 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest.

The Child Health Site,, your click (along with others from that day) helps to care for 1,000 children.
The Literacy Site, , you help children discover the joy of reading.

Here are some other links for “donate a click” websites: – You can help the rainforest, baby seals, the ocean, big cats, primates, children, pets, stop violence against women, breast cancer – Help red jelly fish, ecology fund, hunger, Cross Cultural Solutions, Landmines, big cats, rainforest, children, poverty, the arts, cancer, education, the environment, house the homeless, breast cancer – Give your clicks to good causes such as breast cancer, children’s health, homelessness, end hunger, children’s hospital

Want to make an even bigger difference? Consider sharing these websites with your friends and family, encouraging them to make daily clicking part of their routine. Just think of how much can be done with a few seconds of your time!

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