Giving Your Kitchen a Work Over

What is the most popular room in the house? What is the busiest place of any household? The kitchen. We spend hundreds on redesigning the rest of the home, but pay little attention to the kitchen. Expensive wallpaper and curtains in the living room, French designer beds in the bedroom, professionally landscaped garden but if the kitchen is ignored the whole house looks bad. Giving your kitchen a complete work over can go a long way in making your home enjoyable and fitting for everyone. A warm, easy accessible and attractive kitchen is a great morale booster and point of pride for whoever does the cooking in the house.
For some a kitchen that is lacking makes it difficult to prepare meals, especially large meals for guests or parties. There are a number of reasons why you should give your kitchen a work over. Have you ever heard of the expression too many cooks in the kitchen? Well, most of the time the kitchen is so small if more than two people are in the kitchen it feels crowded. Kitchens can become crowed quickly, so if your kitchen feels crowded with two people consider giving it a work over by enlarging the area. Perhaps there is extra space like an “off” room that can be used as part of the kitchen. Remove tables that take up space and rearrange the counters. The most inspired meals come from kitchens that have enough space and room to prepare a nice meal.
Here are some more tips in giving your kitchen a work over:
Space and Clutter – To begin giving your kitchen a complete work over it needs to be cleared of the non-essentials. Broken stoves, and damaged cutlery have a way of piling up in kitchen corners. Organizing your kitchen items and getting rid of clutter goes a long way and allows more space. An ideal solution is magnetized strip runners along the length of the cooking area, above the stove. This saves on storage space, provides an excellent drip-dry solution and makes metallic accessories instantly available and replaceable.
Walls And Ventilation – Often, kitchen walls tend to get coated with grease, grime and fume layers, and conventional paints cannot be washed. How about a snazzy paint-job with a washable liquid? If your kitchen does not have adequate ventilation by way of at least two windows, consider installing a ceiling fan to pull out stale food vapors and odors.
Lighting – When cooking a meal, one needs to see what he/she is doing, and bright, cheery lighting can do a lot to lighten the mood. Also, unwanted rodents are attracted to dark, gloomy areas. No home’s kitchen should be a dungeon lit only by a low-wattage bulb. Use your imagination, but find a way to make you kitchen a brighter and less depressing place.
Remember, the key to giving your kitchen a work over is to get rid of clutter, gain space or enlarge the kitchen, increase the light and ventilation. The kitchen is where people gather whether it is to eat or cook and there should be enough space, light, and air flowing throughout the kitchen. Don’t underestimate the importance of the kitchen along with the rest of the house giving it a work over can do wonders. Giving your kitchen a complete work over doesn’t have to be expensive? All you need is time and effort.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design