Glade Wisp Flameless Candle French Vanilla Refill: Review

While Spreading the news to friends, I figured a better way to spread the news about it would be to simply review it, and all of the refills I was sent.
A Little About The Candle:
Before mentioning the French Vanilla Refill, I will mention the actual candle first. The Glade Flameless Candle is a neat concept. Inside of a glass jar lies a small plastic device that you are too add scented oil bulbs to. Not only will the device allow for fragrance to fill the room, but with a small touch you can also turn the candle on. It will glow and give off a very neat and realistic flickering candle effect. If you didn’t look directly into the jar, you would think that what was burning was a real candle.
French Vanilla Refill:
French Vanilla was not the first oil refill I had used. The first was Clean Linen, and to be honest I was not to thrilled with the lack of scent. I figured that even though Clean Linen lacked a strong scent, French Vanilla may be able to impress me.
I clicked the little oil bulb into the plastic device, and let it do it’s work.
I was able to smell the scent before the candle even began dispersing the scent. The moment I unscrewed the oil bulbs lid, I was greeted with a warm french vanilla fragrance. It was enjoyable, with a small hint of sugar. I hoped that the scent would last, and I hoped it would be strong; unlike Clean Linen.
I left the room, and came back a few hours later. The moment I opened the door was immediately greeted with the same warm sugary french vanilla scent that I had first observed. Impressed!
The scent was strong, easily detectable, and filled the room with a warm feeling, setting in a glorious relaxing mood.
I plugged French Vanilla in about 4 days ago, and still it’s scent is lasting long and strong. Clean Linens scent faded in just a few sad short hours, but French Vanilla keeps on kicking. The scent fills the room quite quickly, and it does not weaken over time. You get non-stop continuous scent.
I like it!
Best of all though is that the Glade Wisp Flameless Candle French Vanilla Refill not only will fit in the new Flameless Candle, but it can also be used in all other Wisp products. You can also fit Wisp refills into the Flameless Candle. I find this wonderful because some Wisp refills go on sale while others do not.
The refill will likely last for an entire month, and some. I’ve used it for 4 days so far, and the oil has barely even taken a dip.
Pricing and Availability:
-You can find this refill, and other scents at any local Walmart, Kmart and so on. The pricing of the refill will come to around $3.00 or $4.00 depending where you buy it. You can also buy the entire Flameless Candle with this scent included for around $9.99.
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