Glenn Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia

I have traveled in my career and have visited countless hotels and bed and breakfast establishments, therefore I consider myself a hotel expert of sorts. This past week the World Congress Center hosted the Black MBA career fare and trade show. One of the Johnson and Johnson representative of whom I have been acquainted with for more than 20 years invited me to dinner in downtown Atlanta and told me about this Hotel in which her company reserved for its associates; it was called the Glenn Hotel located on Marietta and Springs streets next door to the Philips Arena. I was told that this hotel was very unique, but of course I had to experience it for myself, so on Friday night I did just that and stayed the night at the Glenn Hotel.

After I valet parked my car, I walked into the side door of this quaint hotel right in the mist of downtown Atlanta and was transported to another place and time. As soon as I stepped in the door the atmosphere was very romantic and alive. I wasn’t sure where the front desk was, because this was no typical hotel. The walls were lined with flowing fabric and all the lights in the building were low and there was candle light everywhere. I actually walked right past the front desk and had to double back and ask a guest where to go. On my journey to check in, I noticed the lobby décor was reminiscent of when I visited South Beach in Miami. The furnishings were a mix of art deco, traditional and contemporary. Every fabric had texture, color or pattern, it was a designers dream! Even the elevator had texture; it was made of some kind of material that was carved into waves and painted vibrant red!

As I made my way upstairs to the guestroom, I noticed that sea grass lined the hallways and the path was softly lit. It was as though every step was a delight for the senses. I was finally at the door of the guest room and as soon as I opened the door, again my senses were awakened with vibrant color. The walls had an iridescent rust/peach color that matched the soft blankets at the rear of each bed. The beds themselves were nicely appointed with down comforters and leather headboards and on each bed were the sweetest little stuffed animals. The color continued on the fabric panels that covered the closet. Again, the art deco influence was in the wood work that made up the desk and work space as well as the area that housed the beverage center. This hotel establishment thought of everything. They even put the highest quality ergonomically friendly desk chair at the work station. Oh, did I mention the 32 inch plasma television fellows? What a way to watch the game or the latest movie release.

Next stop was the bathroom and to my surprise there was no tub, but a room for two shower with a decadent rain flowing showerhead. Even the shower curtain was made of linen-like material with high styled chains attached to the ceiling track. The partially frosted glass shower wall separated the shower and sleeping area. So you could shower and watch the plasma television and not miss a beat! It was amazing that here I was in the heart of downtown Atlanta and I felt as though I was somewhere in a remote location in a luxury suite.

I did a little research on this new found gem called the Glenn Hotel and found out it has 93 guestrooms, 16 suites and a luxury penthouse. Also, this very hotel hosts the highly sought after Bed restaurant whose name became known all around the US when the name was used on the then popular HBO series, Sex in the City. This hotel is not just for vacationers, it also has various meeting spaces for businesses and special events. It’s no wonder the Glenn Hotel refers to its establishment as a boutique, because by definition of the word, it refers to its quaint space with customized service and it delivers on that claim.

If you and the wife need to take a break from work or the little ones, I would recommend a night at the Glenn Hotel to lift your spirits and rekindle the romance in your marriage. Take a little speak preview of what the Glenn hotel has to offer at , I am sure you will be very pleased.

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