Global Adventure Tourists Making the Best of Their Tropical Trail!

Indeed, a lot has been said in literature about the mysteries of the sea. While Henry Longfellow has discovered its weird ways as “…foreshadowing and foreseeing/of things beyond our reason or control” (“The Sound of the Sea”), isn’t it a mystery that the nautical world, especially that of the east, continues to enthrall tourists across the globe? With the growing number of niche global travelers, adventure voyagers and adventure sport enthusiasts flocking to various Asian sea hotspots, the Asian cruises, scuba diving and deep-sea fishing activities are making for truly idyllic island hopping experience for many.

Have you ever tasted the pleasures of luxury Asian cruises, or looking out for hiring them for a remarkable adventure trail to the tropical islands of Malaysia, Thailand or Singapore? Each island of Southeast Asia, including the Phuket Islands, Phi Phi Islands or the idyllic islands of Malaysia, speaks of the rich, vibrant history of the coast and its various cultures. Probably every adventure traveler out on a tropical trail would want to explore it along with the luxury and style offered by these cruises. Yes, Asian cruises have always had an unmistaken charm, and today, with luxury charter companies in Asia like the ‘Tawan cruises’ offering brand new Riviera motor yachts imported directly from Australia, the Asian tourism industry is roping in valued international tourists to explore the exotic lands of the orient.

Take any premiere luxury boating and sailing magazine published from Asia, and you will find insightful news on cruises, yachts, wonderful marinas, exotic cruising destinations and international regattas meant for yacht enthusiasts/tropical adventure travelers. Spectacular nautical events, including the BMW Royal Langkawi International Regatta, the Raja Muda International Regatta, Malaysia, the Singapore yacht race or the grand Phuket King’s Club Regatta have been able to capture the core boating as well as the lifestyle market, comprising of wealthy yacht owners and global yachting enthusiasts. With yachting in Southeast Asia emerging as a booming industry, the Southeast Asia being looked upon in recent times as a haven of fabulous nautical events roping in the “nouveaux riches”. On the whole, such international adventure tourists are keen on discovering the following:

�·Air-conditioned charter yachts, sailing/diving vacations with deep sea fishing

�·Exclusive marinas, cruising destinations and yacht clubs for enjoyable holidays

�·Spectacular sailing and yachting events amidst the coastal locales of Phuket Islands (Thailand), Malaysia, Singapore, among others.

Today there are Asian cruises with all facilities, including day trips, overnight stay and extended cruising, which means you can double the pleasures of your cruising adventures. Besides, for the leisure, lifestyle and business travelers, there is the tranquility and signature treatments offered in world-class Asian resort spas, which means a tropical adventure traveler can double his/her pleasures of these fabulous vacation getaways. Moreover, with state-of-the-art luxury boating magazines focusing on boating, spectacular sailing/yachting events and other nautical activities in the Asia Pacific, you can now plan for fabulous itineraries in the Southeast Asia within no time.

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