God’s Testing and Our Passing the Test

In times of trouble and strife, one saying that you know you’re going to hear an awful lot of is “the Lord always provides” but how many people know how that saying came to be?

The story behind “the Lord always provides” is simple and has endured throughout the years when you consider where you have to be in your life for someone to tell you the Lord always provides. You are often being tested, whether personally or professionally, to a degree that you are asking yourself, “why me, God?”

It was through being tested by God without question from himself, Abraham, during his time up on the mountain and the life of his son in his hands. It was Abraham who uttered the words that live on during our year of 2004 going into 2005. “The Lord always provides.”

After all was said and done in Abraham’s life: all the troubles with Sarah his wife, the fact that his maid servant Hagar gave birth to his son on Sarah’s command from God that it should be so, to being on that mountaintop- all had been done in Faith. Complete undying non-knowing yet knowing everything and going back to nothing again, climb the Mountain unwavering FAITH.

FAITH that no matter how insane the choices may have been to you, you did them. No matter how you wondered could this be so and WHY, yet it was so and it did have a reason. It was not for you to question why, much less for you to question. So you learned to never wonder what God was doing in your life because you know that The Lord always provides.

Doing without right now? Not able to work? Perhaps your health is not the best it could be. You could be one of a billion people, worldwide, that have problems. Real “how do we deal with this now?” issues. So many of us are enduring financial hardship. Sometimes it’s hard to know where the next dollar is coming from and how you are going to find food for your family for the upcoming weeks and months ahead.

Know one thing, The Lord Always Provides.

It’s all you need to know today just as it was many thousands of years ago when uttered by Abraham for the first time. He was being called upon, all those years ago; to sacrifice his son to God, even after he had removed his other son, the son by the maidservant away from his side. The natural trend of thought would be, well hasn’t he suffered enough? Hasn’t he given enough to God?

No. The answer is no. God is all things. The Source of everything. God deems happiness and then the next day sorrow. We can never know until the very last day how much affect each action has, but we know Trust in God and to have a Faith that can move mountains, a faith where you do not even question, tells God all that is needed. Can you have that faith and know that God always provides?

It’s a simple and basic truth that can give you Peace before the act, after the act, all the time. You are never alone, you never go without and God, I AM, Is Always There, whether or not you see him, as you climb up the sometimes arduous mountain that your life can be. Remember too that as the Mountain goes up and you climb it up, so it is that you must come down the other side as well.

But that’s a sermon for another day.

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