Going Green with Your Family

Recycle More
Okay, so we all know we should recycle paper, glass, metal and plastic, but there are many other items we use that can be recycled. Rechargeable batteries can be recycled and should never be thrown out. Often you can turn rechargeable batteries into a local department store and they will take care of the recycling for you. These batteries are common components of items like digital cameras and cellphones. When you decide to get rid of household items take them to Goodwill or another charitable organization instead of adding them to the worlds already overflowing landfills. One of the best things you can do for the planet is to recycle what you can and allow others reuse what you don’t need.
Save Resources
Not all of us can go out and replace all of our appliances with new energy efficient appliances. However, we can make the appliances we have as efficient as they can possibly be. Keep your refrigerator temperature set at 37 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Replace all your regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs when they go. When you make your morning coffee use reusable filters rather than disposable filters. Additionally, when you begin or end your day with a shower, save water by replacing your old shower head with a water efficient shower head. Saving water is an important part of being more green.
Go Organic
Try replacing some of your more commercial brand products with organic brand products. Look for organic cotton clothing and linens. Organic cotton is just as nice if not nicer than commercial cotton and it’s production produces far less waste. Buy bamboo rather than wood. Bamboo is a sustainable resource so it is far more earth friendly than regular wood. You can purchase bamboo flooring, bowls and other household items. Buy organic meat, vegetables and fruit they are better for you, your family and the environment.
Look at Labels
Look for environmental endorsements on the products you purchase. On paper products look for the Green Seal, products that have the Green Seal meet requirements involving recycling and they are not bleached. When you buy meat look for items that are Certified Humane. This means the animals were raised without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics. Buying food that is Fair Trade Certified ensures that you are helping to supporting smaller farms and that the farmers are getting fair prices for their goods. Look for products labeled Rain-forest Alliance Certified, this means that the manufacture has reduced the use of pesticides and have harvested their products while conserving water and soil. Looking for labels like this ensures that you are supporting environmentally conscious companies.
Going green is all about awareness. When you are more aware of the things you are buying and using you are sure to be on the road to a green lifestyle. There is no need to change all your habits and products all at once, changing things one step at a time makes a difference as well. Do what is reasonable for you and your family little by little, day by day and you will be green before you know it.