Going Organic: Choosing Products for Your Home and You

Many of us have allergies whether it is from dust, mold, pollen and other air borne impurities. By using products which use organically grown ingredients throughout our homes as well as our yards, we can have more peace of mind. Here are a few suggestions that may give you some decorating ideas, both inside and outside of your home.

The Bathroom:

You can purchase organic homemade bars of bath soaps, shower gels, even bath salts which use nature’s ingredients. There are body scrubs and loofa sponges made from the earth. Put down a rug in your bathroom that is made from all cotton material and step on a cloud of softness each time you get out of the shower. Body lotions, face creams and cleansers, even deodorant can be found that does not contain any chemicals and only have Natures recipe inside. There is nothing more soothing than wrapping yourself in total softness with a big oversized bath towel made from 100% wool fibers or one that contains only cotton fibers. There are skin care products that do not contain any synthetic preservatives, no artificial fragrance or colors and are all animal ingredient free.

The Living Room:

You can purchase a sofa, rocking chair or even a loveseat that is made out of 100% organic cotton fibers and this will add even more comfort and coziness to your life. Purchase curtains that are insulated and made from organic fibers which also block out harmful rays from the sun and which will also will help save you money on energy bills through out every season of the year.

Ionizer Air Purifiers are an excellent way to purify the air through out your home and they cost pennies to operate. Ionizers remove irritants from the air as well as mold. Set several candles around different areas of your home to bring a bit of decor tranquility. Candles that are made out of soy wax burn cleaner and add a touch of elegance and aromatherapy. For vacuuming your entire house, it is a great idea to purchase a HEPA vacuum that is bagless. Clean all your floors, showers, tubs and all of your appliances with non-toxic cleaners.

There are also foot stools and end tables as well as night stands which are made from only natural wood.
Purchases a blanket made out of wool and wrap yourself in comfort and warmth. Wool is naturally resistant to dust mites, mold, mildew and odors.

The Bedroom:

Choose a mattress set which contains all cotton fibers or even bamboo fibers. Grab a pillow made of all organic cotton fibers and each night fall into your own little cloud of Heaven. Select sheet sets, comforters, pillowcases that are made with organic or all natural materials. Organic cotton is now available in many bright vivid colors.
There is a company called Seventh Generation that manufactures cleaning products for your entire household duties. All of their products are non-toxic and the choices are great. They have laundry detergents, fabric softeners, bathroom cleaners, floor cleaners and they are all scented with 100% natural essential oils.

Even our clothing can be organic.. There is nothing that feels more soft and comfier than cotton against your skin and wearing everything from a t-shirt to a nightshirt to our favorite pair of jeans that are made from 100% organic cotton is even better. Recently while watching television, there was a show that was on advertising a new recently opened Children’s Boutique. It is called The Little Seed and they offer everything from skin care products, bedding, clothing, and even toys made with organic or eco-friendly materials for your little ones. Go check them out on the web at thelittleseed.com.


You can bring organics outside even in your backyard. There is nothing more relaxing than the sound of gentle flowing waters coming down off of a waterfall and flowing into a pond. You can place a small pond in a tiny little space in your backyard and use organically made stones from the Earth and arrange organic and pesticide free aquatic plants around the pond as well as inside the pond. You can create your very own backyard bliss.

Bring your health and lifestyle all together simply by adding organic and eco-friendly products throughout your home.

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