Going to the Best Parks in New York City

Bryant Park is located on 42nd street in the heart of Manhattan. Bryant Park is a wonderful place that is big and filled with people and really peaceful. There are plenty of tables and chairs that people can sit in and enjoy the atmosphere. Many people who work in that area of Manhattan will take their lunch break in the park and sip their coffee while reading the daily newspaper or a magazine or book. Other times friends will meet in the park and catch up on old times together.
Bryant Park contains an old fashioned carousel that plays music and has horses that go around in a circle with little children riding them. The carousel lights up and children love it. Bryant Park has nice shady trees and an open field for people to sit down. The park has security officers to ensure order and there are newsstands with snacks and newspapers. The park is kept in very good condition and there are trash cans all over the park to prevent littering. A Water stream and fountain are in the heart of the park.
A great thing about Bryant Park is that they often have events that hundreds of people attend. Last year before the NY Yankees had their home playoff game against the Angels, a pep rally was started at Bryant Park in which old time Yankees came and spoke about the old days of playing baseball and to get the crowd pumped up about the playoffs. In the pep rally raffle tickets were also given out and prizes were distributed. It was a lot of fun. I have also gone during the summertime to Bryant Park in which they have a big movie screen and play movies. People bring beach chairs or lie on the grass and watch the film with their friends or just go their to hang out and mingle with other people.
Central Park is probably the most well known park in NY. Central Park is by far the biggest park in New York City. On a nice day you will see people jogging and excercising in the park. There is a nice pond that people like to look over and talk to their friends. It has very nice scenary and is located in the heart of Manhattan.
Battery Park has been kept quite nice the past few years and today I visited the park for the first time in a while and remembered how great it is. The park overlooks the ocean and has a great view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Tickets are sold in Battery Park to take a ferry over to Ellis Island.
Park vendors sell snacks like hot dogs and chips and soda while chidlren play in the open outdoors. The park has areas with sunshine and areas with trees for shade. The park also has many nice benches for people to sit and talk.
Finally there is Rucker Park which is famous around the world for its basketball. New York City street legends are born in Rucker Park. On any given day teams challenge each other in basketball whether it is 3 on 3 of 5 on 5 full court basketball. The talent out of Ruker Park is amazing as kids dunk on each other and display their ball handling skills.
The famous And 1 ESPN tour was filmed at Rucker Park and some basketball players on the show came from Rucker Park. Many college basketball players in New York come from Rucker Park and display their skills. Their are stands and bleachers that large crowds of people gather at and watch the high excitement and energy games. The park is a historic site in New York City and in the odl days of the NBA in which cities had players from thier home towns and city play for them, the New York Knicks had many of their players at one time or anther in their career play at Rucker Park.
Street legends are born at Rucker Park and if you are good enough to play in Rucker, then you will be given a unique nickname that fits your style of play or personality.
So stop on by one day when you are in New York City to any of these 4 parks and take in the sounds and sights. It will be a beauty!