Golf Teaching Aid – Fix that Hook Today!

Although hitting a slice is a huge trouble area for most golfers, for many others it is a tendency to hit a hook. So, what can you do about it? How do you stop hooking the golf ball and start driving it down the middle of the fairway? The solution really isn’t that difficult, and I will show you just how easy it is. Best of all, this golf teaching aid will give you immediate results.
âÂ?¢ Get A Proper Setup And Stance – The first step in curing a golf hook is your stance. Be sure to setup with the golf ball forward in your stance. The ball should be in the middle or just at the edge of your left heel if you’re right-handed. I notice a lot of golfers who will position the ball way too far back in their stance. Your feet should be even toward your intended target. What I mean by that is you want to have your feet on the same line. Don’t have your left foot more in front of your right. This will only promote more of a hook shot. You can even aim more toward the left if you need to. This will be more of an open stance and reduce the chance of hooking the golf ball even further.
âÂ?¢ Have Good Golf Grip – Next, you want to be sure you are gripping the golf club correctly. Hold the club with your hands facing straight down and the ‘V’ your hands are creating, pointing straight up. Why is this important? This will prevent you from turning your hands over on your follow through and hitting a big hook shot. Another important point in preventing a hook shot is golf grip strength. Don’t hold onto the golf club like you’re wrestling a bear. Have a medium to firm grip. You don’t want to let the golf club fly out of your hands, but if you grip it too tightly you will surely turn your hands over and hook the ball. If you will simply use a less firm of a grip I believe you will notice a big improvement in your golf game.
âÂ?¢ Transfer Your Weight – Here is another biggie for many golfers. I see so many golfers who have too much of their weight on their right foot after swinging at the golf ball. Make sure you keep more weight on your left foot. When you see a golfer hit one of the infamous snap-hooks, it’s more than likely due to their weight being on the right side. It’s a guaranteed hook every time. Why does this happen? Because your club face closes on impact, forcing you to come around with the golf club. The results are not pretty, at least if you are on the other end of the golf club. By knowing where your weight is after swinging the club you can fix this area quickly. It will only take a few minutes of practice.
The tips listed here in this golf teaching aid will go a long way in curing any golf hook. I would encourage you to spend some time at the golf practice range. By just practicing with a bucket or two of golf balls you’ll start noticing a big difference in your golf game. Not to mention you’ll have a lot more fun with your golfing partners.