Good News Garage Vehicle Program Helps Those In Need

Your car may help a friend in need.

Fifty to sixty people per month call Good News Garage (GNG) in Vermont hoping to find help getting to work, school, and doing any other necessary day to day travel, according to a recent article.

With a goal to keep financially independent and off public assistance, GNG was started in 1996 as a non-profit organization.

People are always getting rid of cars, says writer Mary Ann Copson.

“Carmen George, GNG’s Marketing and Development Manager, asks that each time you get in your car that you imagine what it would be like if you had two or three children and no car,” said Copson. “Ms. George believes that if you really understand the devastating effects of inadequate transportation you will appreciate that your donated vehicle can make a real difference.”

GNG differs from other car donation organizations.

Most people and families who get help from GNG apply through the public assistance office in their home state.

If you donate your vehicle to GNG they will send a driver to pick it up.

A vehicle may not qualify for us if it needs too many repairs or is not a good model for the recipients, according to research.

You can also expand the positive effects of GNG by becoming a volunteer, says staff.

GNG also has several related cost effective projects according to their website.

In The Ready To Go program GNG has a contract with the state of Vermont to implement a program for people between cars or between driver’s licenses.”

Jobs can be quickly lost if your car is unavailable for a week or more while you look for needed repair funds.

If you are interested in applying for a vehicle from GNG, donating your car, or volunteering, contact 1-877-GIVE-AUTO, go to, or in Vermont call 802-864-3667.

In Massachusetts call 1-877-400-6065 or 603-669-6937.

If you do not live in one of these New England states and you need reliable transportation GNG maintains a list of about 100 similar sister organizations throughout the country that use the GNG model.

The Good News Garage model proves that you can take a stand against the downward spiral of car trouble, job loss, and poverty by simply giving away something you do not want any more, writes Copson.

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